Thiamine Market Outlook from 2023 to 2033

The global thiamine market size reached US$ 1,100.6 million in 2022. Thiamine sales are anticipated to rise at 7.2% CAGR during the forecast period. Total market value is predicted to increase from US$ 1,166.2 million in 2023 to US$ 2,356.8 million in 2033.

Demand for thiamine is projected to remain high in the food & beverage segment. The latest thiamine market analysis predicts the target segment to thrive at 6.5% CAGR during the assessment period.

Attributes Key Insights
Base Value in 2022 US$ 1,100.6 million
Estimated Thiamine Market Size (2023) US$ 1,166.2 million
Projected Thiamine Market Revenue (2033) US$ 2,356.8 million
Value-based CAGR (2023 to 2033) 7.2%
Collective Value Share: Top 5 Countries (2023E) 54.1%

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Key Thiamine Market Insights

  • Market to Expand Over 2.0X through 2033

The global thiamine market is predicted to expand over 2.0X through 2033, amid a 4.6% increase in expected CAGR compared to the historical one. This is due to the growing demand for Vitamin B1 supplements and fortified food products.

Global sales of thiamine are expected to also surge due to rapid population growth, increasing government regulations, and growing awareness about thiamine deficiency in the human body. By 2033, the total market revenue is expected to reach US$ 2,356.8 million.

  • Asia to Remain the Hotbed for Thiamine Manufacturers

The consumption of thiamine is experiencing rapid growth in the East Asia and South Asia Pacific regions, driven by regulations mandating sufficient thiamine levels in packaged food. The thriving pharmaceutical industry is also playing a significant role in fueling demand for thiamine. Asia is set to hold a dominant share of the worldwide market in 2033. This is attributed to the following factors:

  • Rising Health Consciousness: Growing awareness of thiamine in maintaining overall health has increased consumer demand for thiamine-rich products. As consumers become more health-conscious, there is a greater emphasis on nutritional fortification, contributing to the growth of thiamine consumption.
  • Expanding Pharmaceutical Industry: The flourishing pharmaceutical industry in countries like India and other Southeast Asian nations is creating a higher demand for thiamine. Thiamine is utilized in pharmaceutical formulations, contributing to the growth of the thiamine market in the region.
  • Regulatory Mandates: Regulatory bodies in East Asia and the South Asia Pacific have imposed requirements for adequate thiamine levels in packaged food products. This has led to increased incorporation of thiamine in the food industry to ensure compliance with nutritional standards.
  • Thiamine Mononitrate to Steal the Show

As per the report, thiamine mononitrate is expected to dominate the global thiamine market with a volume share of 78.7% in 2023. This is attributed to the rising use of thiamine mononitrate in pharmaceutical animal feed industries to maintain thiamine levels in humans and animals.

Thiamine hydrochloride, on the other hand, is anticipated to witness a 5.5% CAGR during the forecast period. In animal nutrition, thiamine hydrochloride is utilized as a feed additive. It is incorporated into animal feed formulations, particularly for livestock.

Thiamine hydrochloride is occasionally included in cosmetic and personal care products. Its antioxidant properties and potential benefits for skin health make it a candidate for inclusion in skincare formulations.

Thiamine Market Overview

Thiamine is gaining traction due to its applications in animal feed, pharmaceuticals, and personal care industries. The global shift towards health and wellness is driving demand for nutritional supplements and fortified foods, thereby creating opportunities for the thiamine market.

As consumers become aware of the ill effects of deficiencies caused by a lack of thiamine in the body, they incorporate thiamine-fortified food products into their diet. This is anticipated to bolster sales of thiamine during the assessment period.

The pharmaceutical sector plays a pivotal role in boosting the thiamine market. Thiamine is incorporated into medications and supplements to address deficiencies caused by certain medical conditions or lifestyle factors, contributing to the industry's growth.

In the food and beverage industry, manufacturers produce food products rich in thiamine. It is incorporated into several food products, including cereals, bread, and pasta, to enhance their nutritional content. This fortification helps prevent thiamine deficiencies and contributes to public health initiatives.

The animal nutrition sector relies on thiamine to prevent deficiencies and promote the well-being of several species. Thiamine is essential for the health of animals, and its inclusion in animal feed ensures that livestock receives adequate nutrition.

Nikhil Kaitwade
Nikhil Kaitwade

Principal Consultant

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2018 to 2022 Thiamine Market Insights Vs. 2023 to 2033 Forecast

From 2018 to 2022, the global market for thiamine experienced a CAGR of 2.6%, with a market size of US$ 1,100.6 million in 2022. In the forecast period, the worldwide thiamine industry is set to thrive at a CAGR of 7.2%.

Historical CAGR (2018 to 2022) 2.6%
Forecast CAGR (2023 to 2033) 7.2%

The global thiamine (vitamin B1) market witnessed steady growth between 2018 and 2022. This was due to increased awareness about disorders caused by the lack of thiamine in the body and product usage in the pharmaceutical, food, and beverage industries.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the global supply chain, affecting the production and distribution of thiamine. Factors such as transportation limitations and workforce shortages have led to delays in the procurement of raw materials and hindered manufacturing processes

Future Forecast for Thiamine Market

Over the forecast period, the global thiamine industry is poised to exhibit robust growth. This is due to technological advancements in production processes, increasing awareness about the benefits of thiamine supplements, and robust expansion of end-use industries.

The rising demand for dietary supplements has an impact on the thiamine industry. The increasing health consciousness of consumers is resulting in a rise in the use of vitamin supplements, particularly thiamine-containing ones.

To alleviate nutritional inadequacies, fortification initiatives have been implemented by governments and food producers. As a result, thiamine is being added to several foods, raising market demand.

The pharmaceutical industry is expected to remain a key consumer of thiamine through 2033. Thiamine's role in addressing deficiencies associated with several medical conditions positions it as a critical ingredient in pharmaceutical formulations. The industry's ongoing growth and advancements in drug development are likely to fuel further demand for thiamine.

Manufacturers are exploring creative ways to include thiamine in a range of food products, catering to consumer preferences for both health and taste. This will continue to fuel thiamine market demand during the assessment period.

The future of the thiamine market holds significant promise. The mixture of health-conscious consumer trends, pharmaceutical advancements, and ongoing research efforts positions thiamine as a critical player in the evolving landscape.

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Key Market Dynamics

  • Increasing Health-Conscious Globally Fueling Thiamine Demand

More and more people are beginning to take an active role in their health. As a result, the use of dietary supplements in diet is skyrocketing. By filling up the nutritional gaps in a person's regular diet, these products guarantee that they get the necessary vitamins and other nutrients.

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is a vitamin and mineral that has gained prominence as crucial for good health. The body needs thiamine to help transform food into energy, which is necessary for healthy cell function and metabolism in general.

People who are concerned about their health are adding thiamine supplements to their everyday diets. Dietary supplements will be crucial in sustaining and accelerating thiamine demand.

  • Rising Applications Due to Advancements in Thiamine Production and Formulation

Significant progress has been made in the production and formulation of thiamine hydrochloride and mononitrate. This is leading to a rise in the use of thiamine in the food and beverage sector.

Several novel methods of producing thiamine have demonstrated their ability to yield thiamine of superior quality and purity while maintaining its economic value. Process technology advancements will increase production capacity and guarantee that the proper purity is maintained for a variety of industries.

Thiamine is used in the food and beverage sector as a fortifying agent, which aids in giving the body the vital nutrients it needs. To make thiamine affordable, businesses are attempting to extract thiamine from natural sources like wheat, rice husk, etc.

  • Rising Prevalence of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and Beriberi to Fuel Sales

Thiamine deficiency in humans is resulting in a rising incidence of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and Beriberi. This worrying worldwide trend may trigger the thiamine market to grow, especially in the pharmaceutical sector.

There is a growing market for thiamine supplements and food products fortified with thiamine. This is because health-conscious consumers and healthcare professionals are realizing how important thiamine is in preventing several illnesses.

Key Factors Restraining Thiamine Market Growth

  • Lack of Awareness of the Significance of Thiamine and its Products

Despite thiamine's pivotal role in the well-being of humans and animals, a substantial portion of the population still needs to be made aware of its significance and potential advantages. This lack of awareness around the benefits of thiamine could constrain the expansion and utilization of thiamine supplements, constraining their potential impact on the global market.

The absence of stringent regulations on the thiamine levels that should be present in food products can contribute to the limited adoption of thiamine. With clear mandates and standards regarding thiamine in food products, food and beverage manufacturers can adopt thiamine in food products more.

  • Fluctuation in Raw Material Prices

The cost of raw materials used to produce thiamine hydrochloride and mononitrate is a significant source of unpredictability. The cost volatility of raw materials presents a significant challenge for industries and consumers alike.

Price fluctuations for thiamine hydrochloride and mononitrate are caused by variations in raw material costs, affecting the cost of thiamine end products. Changes in material prices disrupt the entire value chain associated with thiamine, which impacts all shareholders.

Comparative View of Adjacent Thiamine Market

The global thiamine market is likely to be impacted by the peer or tangential markets in the chemicals and materials division. These include the castor oil market and the sulfuric acid market. Analysis of these related industries can provide deeper insights that may be helpful for developing unique differentiating strategies to pursue for growth and opportunity in the thiamine market.

As per estimations, the thiamine market (vitamin B1) would lead out of the three businesses. The global demand for thiamine is set to surge at a CAGR of 5.7% through 2033. The castor oil and sulfuric acid markets are expected to rise at CAGRs of 3.2% and 3.40%, respectively, through 2033.

Global Thiamine Market:

Attributes Global Thiamine Industry
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 5.7%
Growth Factor Rising demand for fortified foods is expected to provide impetus for the thiamine market growth.
Restraining Factor Market expansion may be hampered by consumers' ignorance of the value of thiamine (vitamin B1) in their diets.
Key Trend Increasing interest in preventive healthcare is expected to uplift global demand for thiamine.

Castor Oil Market:

Attributes Castor Oil Industry
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 3.2%
Growth Factor Growing demand for castor oil from food and beverage, cosmetics, and other industries due to its particular qualities is expected to boost market growth.
Restraining Factor The costs of castor oil are susceptible to swings because of several reasons, including variations in agricultural yields, weather patterns, and worldwide demand.
Key Trend Increasing adoption of castor oil as a feedstock for biodiesel production is a key trend.

Sulfuric Acid Market:

Attributes Sulfuric Acid Market
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 3.40%
Growth Factor Growing demand for sulfuric acid from the fertilizer sector is anticipated to boost the target market.
Restraining Factor The demand for sulfuric acid may decline as a result of economic downturns or downturns in several industries, which might hinder market expansion.
Key Trend Recovering and recycling sulfuric acid from different industrial processes has become more emphasized due to sustainability and environmental concerns.

Country-wise Insights

The table below highlights key countries’ thiamine market revenues. China, the United States, and India are expected to remain the top three consumers of thiamine. The countries are expected to reach valuations of US$ 577.4 million, US$ 344.5 million, and US$ 230.0 million, respectively, in 2033.

Countries Projected Thiamine Market Revenue (2033)
China US$ 577.4 million
United States US$ 344.5 million
India US$ 230.0 million
ASEAN US$ 129.3 million
Germany US$ 136.8 million
Canada US$ 83.8 million

The below table shows the estimated growth rates of the top five countries. China, India, and South Korea are set to record higher CAGRs of 13.2%, 13.1%, and 12.4%, respectively, through 2033.

Countries Expected Thiamine Market CAGR (2023 to 2033)
China 13.2%
India 13.1%
South Korea 12.4%
Canada 4.7%
Italy 4.7%
United Kingdom 3.8%

Growing Awareness of Health and Nutrition Driving Thiamine Demand in China

Sales of thiamine in China are projected to soar at a CAGR of 13.2% during the assessment period. Total valuation of China is anticipated to reach US$ 577.4 million by 2033. This is attributable to expanding food & beverage industry and rising demand for healthy and nutritional products.

China plays a pivotal role in the global thiamine market, contributing significantly to the production and consumption of thiamine. The country's influence on the thiamine market is multifaceted, encompassing several industries, regulatory landscapes, and consumer trends.

China stands as a key global player in the production of thiamine. The country's manufacturing capabilities, coupled with a robust chemical industry, enable it to produce substantial quantities of thiamine and its derivatives. The country has a robust supply chain network, ensuring that thiamine can be transported efficiently and economically to end-use industries.

The country has established standards for the fortification of food products with essential vitamins, including thiamine. Compliance with these standards is crucial for domestic and international food manufacturers aiming to penetrate the China market.

The growing awareness of health and nutrition in China has led to an increased demand for thiamine-containing products. As the population becomes more health-conscious, there is a notable shift towards dietary choices that prioritize essential vitamins, including thiamine.

India to Present Lucrative Growth Prospects for Thiamine Manufacturers

As per the latest analysis, India is expected to emerge as a highly lucrative market for manufacturers of thiamine and thiamine-based products. This is attributable to rising health awareness, favorable government support, and surging demand for healthy and nutritional products.

Sales of thiamine in India are projected to surge at a CAGR of around 13.1% through 2033. The pharmaceutical industry in India is a significant driver of thiamine demand.

Thiamine's inclusion in medications and nutritional supplements addressing various health conditions and deficiencies underscores its importance in the pharmaceutical sector. India's prowess in pharmaceutical manufacturing positions it as a key player in the thiamine market.

India's vibrant agriculture sector has a direct impact on the demand for thiamine in animal nutrition. Thiamine is a crucial component in livestock feed to ensure animal health and productivity. As the country continues to focus on agriculture and animal husbandry, the demand for thiamine in this sector remains substantial.

India's position as both a consumer and producer in the thiamine market shapes international trade dynamics. The country engages in trade activities, exporting thiamine products to meet global demand. Collaborations with international stakeholders contribute to knowledge exchange and market expansion in India.

Rising Thiamine Usage in Pharmaceutical Sector Driving Demand in South Korea

South Korea's industrial capabilities contribute to the production of thiamine-containing products. The country often engages in the manufacturing of food and pharmaceutical products fortified with thiamine to meet domestic demand and participate in international markets.

South Korea's thiamine market is poised to exhibit a CAGR of 12.4% during the assessment period. It is expected to attain a market valuation of US$ 38.8 million by 2033.

Consumers in South Korea exhibit unique dietary preferences impacted by a combination of traditional and modern influences. As health and nutrition awareness grows, there is an increasing inclination towards products fortified with essential vitamins. This is set to drive thiamine demand in Korea.

South Korea's advanced technological landscape contributes to the efficiency and innovation in thiamine-containing product development. Continuous research and development efforts focus on improving production processes, ensuring product quality, and exploring novel formulations for thiamine mononitrate and thiamine hydrochloride.

Increasing Application in Food Fortification Boosting Sales in Canada

Canada thiamine market size is forecast to reach US$ 83.8 million by 2033. Over the assessment period, thiamine sales in Canada are projected to rise at 4.7% CAGR. This is attributable to the rising usage of thiamine in several food and beverage industries.

The country's consumption patterns, regulatory landscape, and emphasis on nutritional well-being drive demand for thiamine-containing products. The country engages in the manufacturing of fortified foods and dietary supplements, responding to domestic demand and participating in the broader global market.

The pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries in Canada are key drivers of thiamine demand. Thiamine's role in addressing nutritional deficiencies and supporting overall health aligns with the country's focus on preventive healthcare.

The formulation of thiamine-containing medications and supplements caters to the population's health-conscious preferences. Thus, growing popularity of fortified foods and rising health consciousness will foster growth of the thiamine market in Canada through 2033.

Growing Focus in Preventive Healthcare Boosting the United States Market

The United States thiamine market is poised to exhibit robust growth throughout the forecast period. By 2033, total valuation in the country is projected to reach US$ 344.5 million.

Several factors are expected to boost the United States thiamine industry. These include rising interest in preventive healthcare, growing demand for nutritional supplements, and increasing cases of beriberi.

There is a rising interest among Americans in preventive healthcare. As a result, they are consuming high nutritional supplements, especially those containing thiamine, to support overall health and well-being. This is expected to create growth prospects for the thiamine market.

Category-wise Insights

The table below highlights growth projections of top segments in the thiamine market. Based on product type, the thiamine mononitrate segment is set to lead the business during the assessment period, thriving at a CAGR of 7.5%.

Based on end use, the food and beverage segment is anticipated to hold a dominant share through 2033. It is set to exhibit a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period.

Excellent Properties of Thiamine Mononitrate Fueling its Demand

Top Segment (Product Type) Thiamine Mononitrate
Predicted CAGR (2023 to 2033) 7.5%

Based on product type, the global thiamine market is segmented into thiamine mononitrate and thiamine hydrochloride. Among these, end users prefer thiamine mononitrate owing to its several advantages.

Thiamine mononitrate exhibits greater stability in varying pH conditions compared to thiamine hydrochloride. This stability makes it a preferred choice in formulations where pH levels may fluctuate, ensuring the sustained availability of thiamine.

Thiamine mononitrate exhibits better compatibility with oxidizing agents. This quality enhances its stability in formulations where exposure to oxidizing substances is a consideration, ensuring a longer shelf life.

Thiamine mononitrate is less hygroscopic than thiamine hydrochloride. Its reduced tendency to absorb moisture from the environment contributes to improved stability, particularly in applications where moisture sensitivity is a concern.

Demand for thiamine mononitrate is projected to rise at a CAGR of 7.5% during the assessment period. It will likely hold a significant volume share of 77.1% in 2023.

Food and Beverage Remains a Highly Lucrative Application for Thiamine

Top Segment (Application) Food and Beverage
Projected CAGR (2023 to 2033) 6.5%

The global thiamine industry is segmented into food and beverages, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, personal care, and others. Among these, usage of thiamine is expected to remain high in food and beverage products.

Thiamine plays a vital role in the food and beverage industry, contributing to both nutritional fortification and the enhancement of product quality. This is anticipated to make them quite popular in the industry, thereby fueling their sales.

In the food sector, thiamine is frequently used in the fortification of staple foods to address nutritional deficiencies and promote public health. Cereals, bread, pasta, and other grain-based products are commonly enriched with thiamine to ensure adequate intake, particularly in populations where thiamine deficiency may be a concern.

Thiamine can also be incorporated into energy drinks, nutritional beverages, and fortified juices in the beverage industry. These products not only provide a refreshing taste but also contribute to consumers' daily thiamine intake.

As per the latest thiamine market analysis, the food and beverage segment is projected to thrive at 6.5% CAGR during the forecast period. It is set to attain a valuation of US$ 1,373.8 million by 2033.

Competitive Landscape

The global thiamine market is fragmented, with leading players accounting for around 45% to 50% share. DSM Nutritional Products, Brother Enterprises Holding Co. Ltd., BASF SE, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd, Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group, Huazhong Pharmaceutical, Tianxin Pharmaceutical, and Shouguang Fukang are the leading manufacturers and suppliers of thiamine listed in the report.

In order to fulfill end-user demand, leading thiamine firms are increasing their production capacity and making ongoing investments in research to produce new products. They are also implementing tactics like collaborations, acquisitions, mergers, and facility expansions to expand their footprint.

Recent Developments in Thiamine Market

  • In Oct 2023, Lonza expanded its new GMP filling line for the commercial supply of antibody-drug conjugates.
  • In January 2023, BASF and Cargill collaborated to bid high-performance enzyme solutions to animal protein producers in the United States.

Research Scope

Attribute Details
Estimated Thiamine Market Size (2023) US$ 1,166.2 million
Projected Thiamine Revenue (2033) US$ 2,356.8 million
Anticipated Growth Rate (2023 to 2033) 7.2%
Historical Data 2018 to 2022
Forecast Period 2023 to 2033
Quantitative Units Value (US$ million) and Volume (metric tons)
Report Coverage Revenue Forecast, Volume Forecast, Company Ranking, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, Trends, and Pricing Analysis
Market Segments Covered Product Type, Application, Region
Regions Covered North America; Latin America; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; East Asia; South Asia and Pacific; Middle East and Africa
Key Countries Covered United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Spain, BENELUX, NORDICS, Poland, Hungary, Balkan and Baltics, Russia, India, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Australia and New Zealand, China, Japan, South Korea, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Other GCC Countries, Türkiye, Other African Union, South Africa
Key Companies Profiled BASF SE; DSM Nutritional Products; Lonza Group AG; Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group; Huazhong Pharmaceutical; Shouguang Fukang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Jiangxi Tianxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Brother Enterprises Holding Co., Ltd; Zhejiang NHU Co., Ltd.; CSPC Pharmaceutical Group; Xinfa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Thiamine Market Outlook by Category

By Product Type:

  • Thiamine Mononitrate
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride

By Application:

  • Food and Beverages
  • Animal Feed
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Personal Care
  • Others

By Region:

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Western Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia and Pacific
  • Middle East and Africa

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the value of the global market in 2022?

The global market was valued at US$ 1,100.6 million in 2022.

How big is the thiamine market?

The global market value is set to reach US$ 1,166.2 million in 2023.

At what rate will the global demand rise through 2033?

Global thiamine demand is anticipated to rise at 7.2% CAGR.

What is the projected market size in 2033?

The global thiamine market size is set to reach US$ 2,356.8 million in 2033.

Which end-use segment is expected to lead the market?

Food and beverage segment is expected to lead the market by 2033.

What is the ideal product type for several industries?

Thiamine mononitrate is preferred by most industries.

What is the key use of thiamine?

Thiamine helps in energy metabolism and keeps nervous system healthy.

Table of Content
1. Executive Summary

    1.1. Global Market Outlook

    1.2. Demand Side Trends

    1.3. Supply Side Trends

    1.4. Technology Roadmap

    1.5. Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

    2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy

    2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations

3. Key Market Trends

    3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market

    3.2. Product Innovation / Development Trends

4. Key Success Factors

5. Global Market Demand Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast, 2023 to 2033

    5.1. Historical Market Volume (Tons) Analysis, 2018 to 2022

    5.2. Current and Future Market Volume (Tons) Projections, 2023 to 2033

6. Global Market - Pricing Analysis

    6.1. Regional Pricing Analysis By Product Type and Pricing Forecast

    6.2. Pricing Factors

    6.3. Cost Teardown Analysis

7. Global Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ million) Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast, 2023 to 2033

    7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ million) Analysis, 2018 to 2022

    7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ million) Projections, 2023 to 2033

        7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

        7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

8. Market Background

    8.1. Macro-Economic Factors

        8.1.1. Global GDP Growth Outlook

        8.1.2. Global Pharmaceutical Industry Outlook

        8.1.3. Global Dietary Industry Outlook

    8.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance and Impact

        8.2.1. Manufacturing Industry Value Addition and Expansion of Production Capacities

        8.2.2. Rising Labor Cost and Government Policies

        8.2.3. Industrialization growth

        8.2.4. Increase in application due to advancements in Production and Formulation

        8.2.5. Other Forecast Factors

    8.3. Value Chain

        8.3.1. Market

        8.3.2. Key Success Factor and Risk

        8.3.3. Product Manufacturers

        8.3.4. Probable End-Users

        8.3.5. Product Distributors

    8.4. Market Dynamics

        8.4.1. Drivers

        8.4.2. Restraints

        8.4.3. Opportunity Analysis

    8.5. Global Supply Demand Analysis

    8.6. Manufacturing Overview

    8.7. Parent Market Overview

    8.8. Trade Overview

    8.9. Impact of Covid-19 Crisis

    8.10. Key Regulations Overview

    8.11. Patent Analysis

9. Global Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, by Product Type 

    9.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Product Type, 2018 to 2022

    9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Product Type, 2023 to 2033

        9.3.1. Mononitrate

        9.3.2. Hydrochloride

    9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Product Type

10. Global Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Application

    10.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Application, 2018 to 2022

    10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Application, 2023 to 2033

        10.3.1. Food and Beverages

        10.3.2. Animal Feed

        10.3.3. Pharmaceutical

        10.3.4. Personal Care

        10.3.5. Others

    10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Application

11. Global Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, by Region

    11.1. Introduction

    11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Region, 2018 to 2022

    11.3. Current Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2023 to 2033

        11.3.1. North America

        11.3.2. Latin America

        11.3.3. Western Europe

        11.3.4. Eastern Europe

        11.3.5. East Asia

        11.3.6. South Asia Pacific

        11.3.7. Middle East and Africa (Middle East and Africa)

    11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

12. North America Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    12.1. Introduction

    12.2. Pricing Analysis

    12.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    12.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        12.4.1. By Country

   United States


        12.4.2. By Product Type

        12.4.3. By Application

    12.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        12.5.1. By Country

        12.5.2. By Product Type

        12.5.3. By Application

    12.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

13. Latin America Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    13.1. Introduction

    13.2. Pricing Analysis

    13.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    13.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        13.4.1. By Country



   Rest of Latin America

        13.4.2. By Product Type

        13.4.3. By Application

    13.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        13.5.1. By Country

        13.5.2. By Product Type

        13.5.3. By Application

    13.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

14. Western Europe Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    14.1. Introduction

    14.2. Pricing Analysis

    14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    14.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        14.4.1. By Country




   United Kingdom




   Rest of Western Europe

        14.4.2. By Product Type

        14.4.3. By Application

    14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        14.5.1. By Country

        14.5.2. By Product Type

        14.5.3. By Application

    14.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

15. Eastern Europe Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    15.1. Introduction

    15.2. Pricing Analysis

    15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    15.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        15.4.1. By Country





   Rest of Eastern Europe

        15.4.2. By Product Type

        15.4.3. By Application

    15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        15.5.1. By Country

        15.5.2. By Product Type

        15.5.3. By Application

    15.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

16. East Asia Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    16.1. Introduction

    16.2. Pricing Analysis

    16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    16.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        16.4.1. By Country



   South Korea

        16.4.2. By Product Type

        16.4.3. By Application

    16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        16.5.1. By Country

        16.5.2. By Product Type

        16.5.3. By Application

    16.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

17. South Asia Pacific Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    17.1. Introduction

    17.2. Pricing Analysis

    17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    17.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        17.4.1. By Country


   Association of Southeast Asian Nations

   Australia and New Zealand

   Rest of South Asia Pacific

        17.4.2. By Product Type

        17.4.3. By Application

    17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        17.5.1. By Country

        17.5.2. By Product Type

        17.5.3. By Application

    17.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

18. Middle East and Africa Market Analysis 2018 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033

    18.1. Introduction

    18.2. Pricing Analysis

    18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2018 to 2022

    18.4. Market Size (US$ million) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        18.4.1. By Country

   GCC Countries


   Northern Africa

   South Africa


   Rest of Middle East and Africa

        18.4.2. By Product Type

        18.4.3. By Application

    18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        18.5.1. By Country

        18.5.2. By Product Type

        18.5.3. By Application

    18.6. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

19. Countries-wise Market Analysis 

    19.1. United States Market Analysis

        19.1.1. By Product Type

        19.1.2. By Application

    19.2. Canada Market Analysis

        19.2.1. By Product Type

        19.2.2. By Application

    19.3. Mexico Market Analysis

        19.3.1. By Product Type

        19.3.2. By Application

    19.4. Brazil Market Analysis

        19.4.1. By Product Type

        19.4.2. By Application

    19.5. Chile Market Analysis

        19.5.1. By Product Type

        19.5.2. By Application

    19.6. Germany Market Analysis

        19.6.1. By Product Type

        19.6.2. By Application

    19.7. Italy Market Analysis

        19.7.1. By Product Type

        19.7.2. By Application

    19.8. France Market Analysis

        19.8.1. By Product Type

        19.8.2. By Application

    19.9. United Kingdom Market Analysis

        19.9.1. By Product Type

        19.9.2. By Application

    19.10. Spain Market Analysis

        19.10.1. By Product Type

        19.10.2. By Application

    19.11. NORDICS Market Analysis

        19.11.1. By Product Type

        19.11.2. By Application

    19.12. Poland Market Analysis

        19.12.1. By Product Type

        19.12.2. By Application

    19.13. Hungary Market Analysis

        19.13.1. By Product Type

        19.13.2. By Application

    19.14. Russia Market Analysis

        19.14.1. By Product Type

        19.14.2. By Application

    19.15. Romania Market Analysis

        19.15.1. By Product Type

        19.15.2. By Application

    19.16. China Market Analysis

        19.16.1. By Product Type

        19.16.2. By Application

    19.17. Japan Market Analysis

        19.17.1. By Product Type

        19.17.2. By Application

    19.18. South Korea Market Analysis

        19.18.1. By Product Type

        19.18.2. By Application

    19.19. India Market Analysis

        19.19.1. By Product Type

        19.19.2. By Application

    19.20. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Market Analysis

        19.20.1. By Product Type

        19.20.2. By Application

    19.21. Australia and New Zealand Market Analysis

        19.21.1. By Product Type

        19.21.2. By Application

    19.22. GCC Countries Market Analysis

        19.22.1. By Product Type

        19.22.2. By Application

    19.23. Türkiye Market Analysis

        19.23.1. By Product Type

        19.23.2. By Application

    19.24. South Africa Market Analysis

        19.24.1. By Product Type

        19.24.2. By Application

    19.25. Israel Market Analysis

        19.25.1. By Product Type

        19.25.2. By Application

20. Market Structure Analysis

    20.1. Competition Development

    20.2. Market Concentration

    20.3. Market Share Analysis of Top Players

    20.4. Value Share Analysis By Companies

    20.5. Tier Analysis

    20.6. Key Players-Regional Mapping

21. Competition Analysis

    21.1. Competition Dashboard

    21.2. Competition Deep Dive

        21.2.1. BASF SE



   Profitability by Market Segments (Product Type/Application/Region)

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

        21.2.2. DSM Nutritional Products

        21.2.3. Lonza Group AG

        21.2.4. Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group

        21.2.5. Huazhong Pharmaceutical

        21.2.6. Shouguang Fukang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

        21.2.7. Jiangxi Tianxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

        21.2.8. Brother Enterprises Holding Co., Ltd

        21.2.9. Zhejiang NHU Co., Ltd.

        21.2.10. CSPC Pharmaceutical Group

        21.2.11. Xinfa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

        21.2.12. Loba Chemie Pvt. Ltd.

        21.2.13. Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

        21.2.14. Chr. Olesen & Co

        21.2.15. Arshine Group Co., Ltd.

        21.2.16. Rochem International, Inc.

        21.2.17. Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

        21.2.18. Other Key Players

22. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

23. Research Methodology

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