
There has never been a more imperative opportunity to resolve universal access to power to foster economic growth and social and economic inclusion for all people across Africa. To provide adequate access, countries in West and Central Africa must therefore enhance national utilities, green their power-producing facilities, and traverse national boundaries by connecting national grids to other continent-wide systems.

Furthermore, to improve the deployment of portable power solutions, electrification projects must be entrusted to the private sector. This is particularly true in the case of solar energy with battery storage. Off-grid and mini-grid solar power systems, in particular, have shown to be more reliable in offering inexpensive contemporary electrical services. Finally, a regional agreement among political leaders to attract high-quality investments via synergy would aid in the adoption of portable power solutions for the long-term future.

According to the World Bank, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ambitious cross-border energy grid connectivity project series has the potential to increase electricity consumption by more than doubling, from 8% to 17% by 2030. Additionally, it has the potential to reduce lifespan expenses by roughly 10%. As a result, this initiative would greatly improve the chances for portable power solutions.

The African Development Bank Group's Board of Directors authorized the Desert to Power G5 Sahel Financing Facility, which covers Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger. Over a period of seven years, the Bank intends to contribute up to $379.6 million in funding and technical guidance for the loan program.

The Desert to Power G5 Financing Facility strives to help the G5 Sahel nations transition to low-emission electricity production by leveraging the region's plentiful solar capacity. The project's emphasis will be on utility-scale solar electricity production via standalone electricity producers and solutions for power storage.

Providing efficient medical services is a top priority for every nation around the world. This is further emphasized by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, which aims "to guarantee optimal health and encourage well-being for every person at all ages." Recognizing the severely skewed circumstances of healthcare propagation, individuals across the African continent are working to improve equity in this field.

An emergency generator or standby generator might deliver additional energy to equipment utilized within medical environments such as respirators, vital signs monitors, and infusion pumps. They may operate mobile testing and imaging devices along with ultrasound and X-ray machines.

Power Africa declared a $2.6 million offer to solar energy providers in September 2020 to deliver off-grid power to 288 medical centers across Sub-Saharan Africa. According to a World Bank report, 60% of medical facilities lack a source of electricity. As a result, this endeavor has the potential to be highly advantageous in terms of ensuring proper access to medical care.

As part of this determination, nine initiatives to electrify have been suggested. Upon completion, these endeavors will effectively distribute a dependable and uninterrupted supply of electricity for crucial hospitals as well as other medical establishments, radically increasing the possibilities of deploying portable power solutions in the African region.

A key component is the need for innovative approaches to accelerate the migration to portable power solutions. even though solar and wind energy has demonstrated significant progress recently, there is plenty of work to be accomplished. We must devote resources to researching and developing portable power solutions in order to improve their efficiency, affordability, and accessibility.

Read our in-depth analysis what is the roadmap for Portable Power Solutions in African Region.