Form Automation Software Market Outlook for 2024 to 2034

The form automation software market size is predicted to expand at a robust 17.2% CAGR during the forecast period. The form automation software market global analysis indicates that the revenue stands at USD 364 million in 2024 and is projected to surpass USD 1,780 million by 2034.

As portable devices become widely adopted, the need for creating mobile-friendly form-automating applications increases as well. Mobile-friendly forms, offline implementations, and custom mobile applications allow organizations to approach customers, workers, and investors in the field.

Flexible features improve convenience, as they enable form completion and submission irrespective of the time of the day or the place. This trend is disrupting the approach taken by organizations toward communicating as well as addressing mobile-first audiences as well as meeting the needs of digital consumers.

With the advancement in mobile technology, clients’ need for improved, efficient integrated mobile form automation systems is likely to rise further and thus the industry is set for robust growth.

Form Automation Software Market Future Forecast

Attributes Description
Estimated Global Form Automation Software Market Size (2024E) USD 364 million
Projected Global Form Automation Software Market Size (2034F) USD 1,780 million
Value-based CAGR (2024 to 2034) 17.2%

Many AI-related innovations are occurring such as creating smart systems that use data mining and machine learning for data extraction and analysis, as well as making intelligent decisions. Form automation solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) can work with unstructured information, analyze it and complete standard procedures like data checking and sorting.

These capabilities increase efficiency, facilitate real-time processing and minimize the direct interaction with forms. Today, organizations are incorporating AI-based form automation solutions that help in analyzing data for better business performance. This trend proves how AI technologies can change how businesses operate and create value in form automation industry.

The enhancement of customer experience (CX) has emerged as a significant focus area among organizations in a bid to unlock competitive advantages. There is no doubt that form automation is a key enabler of improvements in CX by enabling the submission and processing of forms to be made more straightforward.

Friendly and responsive forms, mobile compatibility and personally addressed interactions relieve burden of the client and provide better response time and satisfaction.

Businesses are implementing form automation solutions that provide easy-to-use interfaces, automated notifications and self-service to design great customer experiences across the journey. This trend shows how critical CX is to establish and sustain customer allegiance and business success in the modern world.

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Semi-annual Market Update

This table presents a numerical comparison of the form automation software market growth and trends. For a thorough analysis of the industry’s anticipated growth, the CAGR has been analyzed in semi-annual intervals. This includes a comparison of the historical analysis period of 2023 to 2033 and the forecast period of 2024 to 2034.

Particular Value CAGR
H1 15.4% (2023 to 2033)
H2 16.7% (2023 to 2033)
H1 16.2% (2024 to 2034)
H2 17.9% (2024 to 2034)

Industry’s expansion surged at a CAGR of 15.4% in the first half (H1) of the 2023 and 2033 period and then increased to 16.7% in the second half (H2) of the same period. Throughout the projection period, which runs from H1 2024 to H2 2034, the CAGR is forecasted to initially decline to 16.2% before finally increasing to 17.9% in the second half.

Form Automation Software Market Latest Trends

Adoption of Cloud-based Solutions Rises in the Industry

Despite current corporate environments that present risks for remote work and collaboration technologies, the shift to cloud computing is expected to intensify in the coming years. The benefits of cloud-based form automation include flexibility, accessibility, and strong security measures for managing forms, wherever, with any device.

This trend helps organizations in implementing and progressing form automation programs while requiring little capital investment in on-premise setups. Cloud solutions also have inherent failover, backup, and disaster recovery mechanisms that keep the business operational and protected.

With more organizations focusing on agility and scalability in the context of their IT solutions, it becomes critical for businesses to embrace cloud-based forms automation solutions as a way of enhancing their digital transformation efforts and improving operational efficiency. Increased adoption is therefore set to flourish in the industry in the coming years.

Demand for Analytics and Insights Surges Across Sectors

Businesses are using data analytics to gain insights from forms and other engagements with their customers. They are therefore able to monitor performance, analyze trends, and make decisions in real time when using form automation software that comes equipped with analytical instruments, reporting features, and performance metrics.

These capabilities contribute to improving the effectiveness of processes, raising response rates among form users, and increasing organizational efficiencies generally. Data analytics can reveal the potential for increasing efficiency, optimizing resource management, and planning customer interaction within an organization.

This trend indicates an increased focus on the role of analytics in delivering value and differentiation among sectors by providing insights that enable better decision-making and performance optimization.

Blockchain Technology Adoption Amplifies in the Industry

Blockchain technology is slowly but steadily being incorporated into form automation software to improve credibility, openness, and protection of data. By using blockchain, particularly its distributed ledger and cryptographic attributes, organizations can create an impenetrable record of form submissions, approvals, and other data exchanges.

The aforementioned capability is significantly beneficial in various contexts, including supply chain management, legal contracts, regulatory compliance, and other areas, where data integrity and accountability are of paramount importance.

With the help of blockchain integration, form data history and its authenticity can be easily verified, thereby avoiding fraudulent cases, disputes, and any possibility of data manipulation. Blockchain adoption in the industry is anticipated to increase in the future as the technology becomes more developed and accommodated by regulatory environments.

Sudip Saha
Sudip Saha

Principal Consultant

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2019 to 2023 Global Form Automation Software Demand Outlook Compared to Future Forecast for 2024 to 2034

The growth of form automation software industry was recorded at a 15.1% between 2019 and 2023. The industry generated revenue amounting to USD 178.2 million in 2019 and surpassed USD 312.5 million by 2023. The use of form automation software typically proves cost effective in the long run.

With less effort, fewer mistakes, and better utilization of resources, a firm is likely to recoup its investment in a short span of time. This financial benefit has encouraged many organizations to adopt form automation as a strategic process improvement to increase competitiveness.

Technology advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and cloud computing have boosted form automation software’s functionality.

Modern form automation systems apply AI and ML to automate decision-making, ensure the highest accuracy of data input, and provide reliable prognosis results. Form automation solutions hosted in the cloud can be cost-effective, convenient, and secure compared to many other solutions that exist for organizations.

The future of the industry seems bright at a 17.2% CAGR estimated till 2034. In the form automation market future forecast it is predicted that outreach of the software will expand to various fields beyond the typical financial, healthcare, and legal industries.

Companies across sectors like manufacturing, retail, education, and government are gradually understanding the value that automated form processing can bring to the table. They are relating to operational improvement, time savings on tasks involved in form processing and handling, as well as the use of this data-wise perspective to decision making.

Market Competition

Tier 1 companies include the top leaders in form automation software market, capturing around 50% to 55% of global industry shares. Adobe Inc., Microsoft Corporation, and Inc, fall under this category. These businesses emphasize customer-centric innovation, expanding into new verticals through industry-specific solutions, and enhancing AI capabilities to personalize form interactions.

Tier 2 companies include the mid-level participants, capturing around 30% to 35% of the global industry shares. Formstack LLC, JoftForm, Inc., and Zoho Corporation come under this tier. These companies focus on providing affordable solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, expanding its product ecosystem, and integrating AI-driven analytics to enhance form performance.

The Tier 3 companies include the emerging and the lower tier companies, acquiring around 15% to 20% of the global industry shares. Typeform, Cognito Forms, and Wufoo (acquired by SuveryMonkey) fall under the Tier 3 companies list.

These businesses emphasize enhancing customer support services, providing educational resources, and implementing feedback-driven improvements to strengthen customer relationships.

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Comparative Market Overview

In this section, two industries in the technology division, namely, recruiting automation software and workflow management software (WMS), have been analyzed. The information provided in the tables is indicative of trends and opportunities in these industries. The macro analysis indicates that businesses are greatly focused on improving and streamlining their processes.

They are being cautious by removing any irregularities in their business models. Advanced technologies and automation are therefore being adopted to increase efficiency. Thus, contributing to the expansion of these industries.

Recruiting Automation Software Industry Assessment:

Analysis indicates that the current labor shortage is creating immense problems for various businesses. Thus, employers are incorporating automation to combat this issue. Automation of recruitment processes ensures that employers find the best possible talent a company needs.

This, combined with the high efficiency and cost-effectiveness of these software boosts their adoption. The focus on enhancing recruitment processes is likely to benefit the industry in future years.

Attributes Description
Related Market Recruiting Automation Software Market
CAGR (2024 to 2034) 2.7%
Growth Factor Effiiency and cost benefits boost adoption.
Future Opportunities High technology preference among Gen Z candidates.
Current Trends Adoption of AI technology.

Workflow Management Software (WMS) Industry Assessment:

Research indicates that increasing focus on streamlining business activities and rapid digitalization of operations is boosting growth in this industry. Organizations are placing a high focus on identifying redundancies, tracking uncompleted tasks, and others.

This emphasis is helping the industry prosper. The changing marketing ecosystem and customer demands are forcing businesses to invest in hyper automation. The need for improved efficiency and sound decision-making fuel the growth of the industry.

Attributes Description
Related Market Workflow Management Software (WMS) Market
CAGR (2024 to 2034) 27%
Growth Factors Focus on hyper automation for unified workflows boosts adoption.
Future Opportunities Increased demand from small and large enterprises.
Current Trends Swift digitalization of business activities.

Form Automation Software Market Regional Analysis

This section gives insights into the form automation software market global forecast in top countries and the regional growth patterns. Information on regions like North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and others has been granulated, focusing on the top countries.

Australia and New Zealand are expected to be at the forefront, expanding at an 18.4% CAGR until 2034. India follows next, expanding at a 17.8% CAGR until 2034. Lastly, the United Kingdom is also on the list, expanding at a 17.6% CAGR until 2034. This data indicates that the Asia Pacific region is likely to make remarkable progress in the coming years.

Countries Value CAGR (2024 to 2034)
Australia and New Zealand 18.4%
India 17.8%
United Kingdom 17.6%

High Cloud Adoption Rates Propel the Industry in Australia and New Zealand

The form automation software market growth in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) is estimated at an 18.4% CAGR until 2034. The infrastructure of cloud in ANZ is highly developed which makes the environment perfect for SaaS-based form automation solutions.

With the region deemed mature in cloud adoption, vendors are providing fully integrated, elastic, and secure solutions for cloud-native form automation, and subsequently contributing to industry growth. The expansion of small and medium-sized businesses in ANZ further indicates that it is a potential market for form automation software companies.

Thus, by providing economical, non-complex solutions with fast payback, vendors contribute to the growth of the industry and become popular among this audience.

Growing Startup Ecosystem and Entrepreneurial Activities Surge Adoption in India

The form automation software market growth in India is projected at a 17.8% CAGR until 2034. The evolving startup culture in India opens up a great opportunity for form automation software in the country. These solutions are helping the startups to get improved operational efficiency, low operational expenses, and flexibility.

As for the third type of clients, formed by fast-growing start-ups, form automation providers are offering them solutions that are more affordable and more easily scalable to fit their needs. AI and ML are also gaining pace in India and are being implemented across industries for increasing efficiency as well as for innovation.

Public Sector Digital Transformation Initiatives Boost Demand in the United Kingdom

The form automation software market growth in the United Kingdom is predicted at a 17.6% CAGR until 2034. The United Kingdom’s government has been quite active in its pursuit of digitalization and modernization of the public sector with programs such as Government Digital Service (GDS) and the NHS Digital program. These initiatives focus on the automation of forms and paper-related work flows.

The trend towards adopting data insights for decision-making is boosting the use of form automation solutions that allow effective management of collected data. Software providers are marketing their products as imperative applications for firms that want to turn data into key drivers for operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue increments.

Category-wise Insights

This section takes a closer look at the form automation software market segmentation by component and deployment type. Based on components, the software platform segment is leading with 68.7% of the global industry shares captured in 2024. Based on deployment type, the web-based segment is leading with 72.6% of the global industry shares garnered in 2024.

Software Platform Dominates as the Leading Component

Segment Software Platform (Component)
Value Share (2024) 68.7%

The scalability and flexibility inherent in software platforms allow organizations to adapt the degree and type of form automation to changing requirements and business environments, thereby promoting adoption. The modern trends of remote and blended work environments have amplified the need for technologies that enable efficient remote working.

The use of digital software platforms, especially cloud-based systems, provides structural support for remote deployment and administration of forms. These factors cumulatively make software platforms as essential tools in addressing operation challenges, compliance, and digital transformation for any business.

Web-based Deployment Type Leads the Industry

Segment Web-based (Deployment Type)
Value Share (2024) 72.6%

Since web-based form automation solutions cost less and require less IT support than solutions hosted in-house, they present a high value to organizations that seek to minimize capital expenditure and increase operations efficiency. Web-based solutions for form automation offer improved usability and remarkable customer service, making users more likely to stick with tools that help them bring value to their businesses in the long run.

These solutions can be easily integrated with other web applications and services including CRM, ERP, and productivity tools that create a unified digital environment. These factors boost their demand in the industry.

Competitive Landscape of the Form Automation Software Industry

The competitive structure of the form automation software market is diverse as it includes large tech companies, mid-tier technology companies, and innovative startups. Several firms including Microsoft, Google, and Adobe use their seamless environment and geographical expansion to develop solid and elastic solutions.

Mid-tier contenders, including Nintex, Formstack, and Zoho, operate differently; they go deep, support distinct capabilities, maintain a customer-oriented approach, are wary of industries’ quirks, and constantly innovate. Companies such as JotForm and Typeform target small and medium enterprises as well as individuals providing simple SaaS tools without high costs and being cloud-based.

Recent Developments

  • In May 2024, Jotform announced surpassing 25 million global users. This is a 25% increase in year-over-year client acquisition and continues Jotform's expansion across various business segments, including user count, revenue, enterprise customer uptake, and product innovation.
  • In September 2023, SurveyMonkey announced the debut of SurveyMonkey Forms. Users will be able to design online forms utilizing pre-built templates, customizable fields, third-party connectors, and process automation to improve form creation productivity.

Key Players in the Form Automation Software Industry

  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Adobe
  • Salesforce
  • IBM
  • Oracle
  • Nintex
  • Formstack
  • Zoho
  • JotForm
  • Typeform
  • Wufoo
  • PandaDoc
  • DocuSign
  • Laserfiche
  • K2
  • ProntoForms
  • Cognito Forms
  • Gravity Forms
  • Smartsheet

Form Automation Software Market Segmentation Analysis

By Component:

The industry is segmented into services and software platforms.

By Pricing Analysis:

The sector is bifurcated into licensing based and subscription-based.

By Deployment Type:

The industry is classified into on-premises and web-based.

By Region:

Analysis of the industry has been conducted in the countries of North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia & Pacific, Middle East & Africa (MEA).

Frequently Asked Questions

How Big is the Form Automation Software Market?

Industry is set to reach USD 364 million by 2024.

What is the Sales Forecast through 2034?

The industry is expected to reach USD 1,780 million by 2034.

What is the Potential CAGR of the Industry?

Industry is set to report a CAGR of 17.2% from 2024 to 2034.

Which is the Form Automation Software Deployment Type?

Web-based deployment type leads the industry, with 72.6% of industry shares captured in 2024.

How will the Industry in Australia and New Zealand Progress?

The demand in Australia and New Zealand is expected to advance at a CAGR of 18.4% through 2034.

Table of Content
1. Executive Summary

2. Industry Introduction, including Taxonomy and Market Definition

3. Market Trends and Success Factors, including Macro-economic Factors, Market Dynamics, and Recent Industry Developments

4. Global Market Demand Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, including Historical Analysis and Future Projections

5. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    5.1. Component

    5.2. Pricing Analysis

    5.3. Deployment Type

6. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Component

    6.1. Software Platform

    6.2. Services

7. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Pricing Analysis

    7.1. Licensing Based

    7.2. Subscription-Based

8. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Deployment Type

    8.1. On-premises

    8.2. Web-based

9. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Region

    9.1. North America

    9.2. Latin America

    9.3. Western Europe

    9.4. South Asia and Pacific

    9.5. East Asia

    9.6. Middle East and Africa

10. North America Sales Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Key Segments and Countries

11. Latin America Sales Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Key Segments and Countries

12. Western Europe Sales Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Key Segments and Countries

13. South Asia and Pacific Sales Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Key Segments and Countries

14. East Asia Sales Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Key Segments and Countries

15. Middle East and Africa Sales Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Key Segments and Countries

16. Sales Forecast 2024 to 2034 by Component, Pricing Analysis, and Deployment Type for 30 Countries

17. Competition Outlook, including Market Structure Analysis, Company Share Analysis by Key Players, and Competition Dashboard

18. Company Profile

    18.1. PaperForm

    18.2. JotForm

    18.3. Zoho Corporation

    18.4. FormStack

    18.5. ProntoForms

    18.6. Forms on Fire


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