Lupin Protein Market Outlook (2023 to 2033)

The global lupin protein market is valued at US$ 98.8 million as of 2023. The market is expected to surge ahead at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period. By 2023, the market is projected to cross a valuation of US$ 159.7 million.

Some of the factors which might surge the market growth are:

  • Rising adoption in the food industry due to high fibre and low fat.
  • The surge in the number of health-conscious consumers.
  • Versatility associated with the usage of lupin protein, ranging from snacks to meal replacement.

Lupin protein powder contains all the essential amino acids needed for human health, making it a valuable addition to any diet. Additionally, lupin protein has a high digestibility rating, making it an easy-to-digest source of protein. This makes lupin protein an attractive choice for people who want to increase their intake of plant-based proteins.

Lupin protein has been shown to be an effective way to boost brand share. FMI states that using these products as an ingredient in F&B resulted in an increase in share, irrespective of lupin protein colour. In fact, the study found that using lupin protein as an ingredient led to an average increase in brand share by 9%.

In today's market, there is an increasing demand for plant-based protein products. A new product launch in this category is Lupin, a plant-based protein made from the lupin bean. Lupin is a high-quality protein that is low in carbohydrates and fat, and it also contains essential amino acids. Thus, even health experts opine that the consumption of lupin protein is highly beneficial for health.

It can be used as a replacement for animal-based proteins in both foods and supplements. Lupin has a mild flavour and a creamy texture, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications. It is already being used in some popular plant-based protein products, and there are plans to expand its distribution in the near future.

For example, in May 2022, Australia’s Wide Open Agriculture (WOA) entered into an agreement with Monde Nissin Australia (MNA). WOA would be supplying Buntine Protein, which is made from lupin beans and is used in food and drink products. The deal has been signed at a time when the plant-based product market is expected to reach US$ 9.5 billion in Australia alone.

Based on the regional analysis, Europe is expected to be the largest market during the forecast period. Lots of people have started consuming lupin protein instead of soybean. This is owing to the fact that not many side effects related to the consumption of lupin protein have been reported. Moreover, the increased adoption of plant breeding to develop high-quality lupin types is expected to further surge the market growth.

Attributes Value
Lupin Protein Market Value (2022) US$ 93.4 million
Lupin Protein Market Value (2023) US$ 98.8 million
Lupin Protein Market Forecast Value (2033) US$ 159.7 million
Lupin Protein Market Expected CAGR (2023 to 2033) 4.9%

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Historical Outlook (2017 to 2022) vs Future Projections

With people starting to consume diets that are rich in proteins and vitamins, the demand for lupin protein is expected to surge. While the historical CAGR for the market was 3.1%, the anticipated CAGR is 4.9%. With the focus on sustainability surging at an exponential rate, a lot of businesses are now focusing more on lupin beans. The greatest environmental benefit of lupin beans is that it helps in the preservation of water, and can consequently enrich the soil. The short-term, medium-term, and long-term effects of various factors on the lupin protein market can be elaborated in the following ways:

  • Short-term (2023 to 2026): This period is expected to be driven by the rising popularity of plant-based products. This is driven by a lot of customers adopting veganism and vegetarianism. This is because of the increasing awareness regarding animal welfare, human health, and environmental considerations. Additionally, a lot of manufacturers are carrying out various marketing activities to increase awareness of plant-based food.
  • Medium-term (2026 to 2029): During this period, we might get to see a burgeoning demand for clean-label ingredients. This is expected to have a positive impact on the sales of lupin protein products. The preference for clean-label items would allow consumers to trace the route of items and inspect them. This can be attributed to technological upgradation as well. Customers nowadays are interested in learning about the items' history and how the materials were obtained.
  • Long-term (2029 to 2033): At this time frame, the manufacturers might be focusing more on the supply chain aspect of the business. Owing to favorable export dynamics, lupin protein products might become an important aspect of the global food industry. Thus, we might get to see lupin protein products at every E-commerce store and brick and mortar store.

Lupin Protein Consumption to increase as the Demand for Gluten-free food grows

The acceptance of lupin-derived flour is predicted to skyrocket, especially because it is a healthier alternative to wheat flour. Gluten avoidance has become common in the United States, with over 100 million citizens purchasing gluten-free goods. It is interesting to note that the majority of them do not have celiac disease.

Surprisingly, this shift has bolstered the United States' position in the global gluten-free market. The United States now holds the largest market share. The consumption of vegan or plant-based components including lupin protein is growing due to a growing number of "gluten-avoiders". This is expected to surge the demand for the lupin protein market.

Nandini Roy Choudhury
Nandini Roy Choudhury

Principal Consultant

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Lupin Protein Companies place a High Priority on Brand Awareness

Over the projected period, firms' superior branding, advertising, and promotional strategies are expected to enhance the market. Some of them are employing novel branding methods for their goods. For example, they are focusing on a specific segment of the market before deciding on marketing and promotion techniques.

Some businesses are turning digital in order to reach a larger audience. They use a variety of digital platforms to spread the word about their products. Other firms, such as Barentz B.V., participate in numerous food events as part of their marketing activities to show the ingredient's varied applications.

The emphasis on Research and Development remains the Key Trend

Investment in Research and Development and innovation initiatives will aid in the development of innovations and technology needed to manufacture lupin protein products. Companies in the market are also projected to spend on R&D projects in order to improve the efficacy of their current product lines.

They hope to gain dominance in the worldwide market by doing so. The introduction of novel lupin variants with low overall chemicals and protein content has rekindled interest in using lupin as a protein supplement. In December 2021, Hensal Co-op which is based out in Canada announced that it would oversee agronomic research and testing for lupin crops. It would be making use of in-house equipment and processing expertise to develop effective and scalable cleaning for mass commercialization.

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Concerns about side-effects might hinder growth

Individuals can develop a lupin sensitivity allergy over time, just like they might for most food allergies. For people who have legume sensitivity, consuming lupin for the very first time may trigger an allergic response. People who are sensitive to nuts tend to have a higher risk of being intolerant to lupin, according to studies.

Many people in the United States are unfamiliar with this legume, which is sold as lupin beans in Italian shops. The possibility of lupin's negative effects remains a barrier to its widespread use.

The Food Standards Agency of Canada issued a warning to buyers in 2018 regarding lupin. The beans and flour manufactured from the legumes trigger reactions in roughly 25% of people who have a peanut allergy. Such cases might challenge market growth.

Comparative View for Lupin Protein Market

Lupin Protein Market:

Attributes Lupin Protein Market
Anticipated CAGR (2023 to 2033) 4.9%
Market Value (2023) US$ 98.8 million
Growth Factor High versatility associated with the product
Future Opportunities Increase in the number of health-conscious consumers
Market Trends The key players are emphasizing Research and Development

Protein Ingredients Market:

Attributes Protein Ingredients Market
Anticipated CAGR (2023 to 2033) 5%
Market Value (2023) US$ 27.3 billion
Growth Factor Increased adoption in the functional food market
Future Opportunities Surging adoption of solid protein ingredients
Market Trends Market witnessing surge due to demand for soy protein

Protein Supplements Market:

Attributes Protein Supplements Market
Anticipated CAGR (2023 to 2033) 8.3%
Market Value (2023) US$ 27.78 billion
Growth Factor Prevalence of on-the-go consumption
Future Opportunities The surging number of health awareness programs
Market Trends Surging demand for protein for athletes

Country-wise Insights

Region North America
Country US
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 6.50%
Region Europe
Country UK
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 2.60%
Region Asia Pacific
Country China
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 6.40%
Region Asia Pacific
Country Japan
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 3.60%
Region Asia Pacific
Country South Korea
CAGR (2023 to 2033) 4.90%

US lupin protein market: Consumption of plant-based food leading the way

The USA market is mainly driven by an increase in the consumption of plant-based food. The USA has been witnessing an increase in the number of vegetarians and vegans. Based on the statistics released by Statista, the meat substitute market size in the USA is close to US$ 1.9 billion. Nearly 14% of the net population in the USA follows a meat-free diet. The statistics reveal huge scope for the market of lupin protein.

Attributes Details
USA Market Expected Size (2033) US$ 63.6 million
USA Market Absolute Dollar Growth (US$ Million/Billion) US$ 29.9 million
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 4.1%

Surging awareness regarding the environmental impact of consuming meat-related products has led to this change. Moreover, the high per capita income of people in the USA makes it easier for people to purchase lupin protein-based products.

UK lupin protein market: Transitioning from soy protein to lupin protein

The UK market is observing a paradigm shift in the consumption pattern. People have started moving away from consuming soy protein to lupin protein. Based on market research, the soy protein market is US$ 591 million as of 2022. This is despite the fact that people are moving away from soy-based products because of a large number of cases pertaining to allergies.

Attributes Details
UK Market Expected Size (2033) US$ 9.1 million
UK Market Absolute Dollar Growth (US$ Million/Billion) US$ 2.1 million
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 1.3%

Moreover, the farmers associated with lupin protein are of the view that the cultivation of lupin protein crops does not demand highly fertile soil. Even if the quality of the soil is decent, the product can be of excellent quality. The above factors are expected to surge the market growth of lupin protein.

China lupin protein market: Consumers demand clean-label ingredients

An increase in disposable income, coupled with the surging rate of urbanization has led to an increase in demand for clean-label ingredients in China. This is because of the increase in the demand for healthier meals, especially after the nation suffered huge losses during the covid-19 pandemic.

Attributes Details
China Market Expected Size (2033) US$ 14.5 million
China Market Absolute Dollar Growth (US$ Million/Billion) US$ 6.7 million
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 4.2%

Lupin protein-based products are mainly sold in the form of clean-label ingredients. This has helped the product achieve extended shelf life, improve the product inventory, and improve the texture of the product. Apart from that, increasing awareness regarding the consumption of artificial additives is expected to further surge the market growth.

Japan lupin protein market: Surge in the flexitarians

Japan has always remained a huge market for meat-based products. Owing to the large consumption of meat, a lot of people have been experiencing problems pertaining to their stomachs. Based on the market study conducted by NCBI, gastrointestinal symptoms are common amongst the Japanese population, with an incidence of close to 25%.

Attributes Details
Japan Market Expected Size (2033) US$ 1.5 million
Japan Market Absolute Dollar Growth (US$ Million/Billion) US$ 462,500
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 1.9%

Owing to surging gastrointestinal problems, people in Japan have started consuming lupin proteins. Apart from being a rich source of proteins and vitamins, the lupin proteins are fibrous as well, which helps in the smooth functioning of the gut system. Moreover, there are very few cases of side effects have been reported, which makes them relatively safer to consume.

South Korea lupin protein market: Home to a large obese population

More than 40% of the South Korean population is obese. Lifestyle disruption due to the pandemic, followed by constantly changing consumption patterns has led to these figures in South Korea. Consequently, people are looking for ways to consume a protein and fiber-rich diet.

Attributes Details
South Korea Market Expected Size (2033) US$ 3.2 million
South Korea Market Absolute Dollar Growth (US$ Million/Billion) US$ 1.2 million
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 3%

Moreover, the region has been witnessing an increase in the demand for gluten-free products, as gluten also contributes to increasing in weight. The key players in South Korea have been looking for ways to achieve sustainable development. These players are of the view that there is hardly a better way of achieving this than scaling up the production of lupin protein. This is owing to the fact that it would lead to a reduction in animal slaughter, which is a contributing factor to greenhouse emissions.

Segmentation Insights for Lupin Protein Market

Segment Product Type
Attributes Protein Isolates
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 3.40%
CAGR % 2023 to End of Forecast (2033) 4.60%
Segment Nature
Attributes Conventional
CAGR % 2017 to 2022 3.10%
CAGR % 2023 to End of Forecast (2033) 4.20%

The high amount of protein makes protein isolates highly preferred

As per the data collected by FMI, the protein isolates segment is expected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period. One of the major factors is owing to the large amount of processing that is done in order to derive the protein isolates. This ensures that the product is free from adulteration. Apart from that, the fat content is almost nil, which makes it highly preferred amongst the health-conscious lot.

There are a large number of people around the world who suffer from lactose intolerance. The minuscule amount of lactose ensures that people do not get affected because of this. In addition to this, the rising disposable income is making the adoption of this segment easier than ever before.

Wider availability leads to conventional lupin protein sources having a higher market share

Despite the fact that organic lupin products are less prone to pesticides, the conventional segment is expected to hold a higher market share. Low cost and wide availability are the main factors behind this segment possessing a greater share.

Apart from that, there is a debate as to whether organic food is safe to consume or not. This is owing to the fact that these are GMC, and the consumption of GMC may have a negative impact on health. However, there are also theories that suggest that they may not necessarily be GMC. Thus, a lack of clarity on the consumption of organic food is expected to further hamper the market share of this segment.

Start-ups work on developing Healthy Alternative to Meat

The start-ups that are operating in the market are currently developing innovative F&B ingredients, as well as food processing technologies. They are developing products that are sourced from sweet lupins, that offer a sustainable, ultra-low processed, and healthy alternative to meat and seafood.

Eighth Day Foods is a start-up, which has come up with a technology that goes by the name LupremeTM. LupremeTM has been making use of only one ingredient to produce meat alternatives. LupremeTM is basically a whole food that is beneficial for health, the treatment of diabetes, and weight management. These lupin drinks deliver up to 43% protein, 30% dietary fiber, and low carbohydrates. In March 2022, the start-up managed to raise US$ 1 million in the seed round of funding.

Mergers and Acquisitions remain the Talk of the Town: Here’s More

The key players operating in the market are looking to expand their presence through profitable mergers and acquisitions. Manufacturers think that there has never been a better time like this to expand their footprints owing to surging health awareness.

For example, in December 2022, Barentz acquired nutraceutical distributor Natural in France. Through this move, Barentz would be expanding its functional food ingredient solutions for nutraceuticals.

Some of the recent developments in the lupin protein market are:

  • In April 2022, General Starch Limited appointed Barentz as a strategic partner for Indonesia.
  • In September 2021, Costantino & SpA presented its range of products and solutions in Vitafoods Europe.

The dominant players in the market are:

Company Description
Costantino & SpA Costantino & SpA has always worked towards developing and manufacturing new special proteins in order to support and improve quality of life. The company has been a part of this sector for more than seven decades. The company is also amongst the largest manufacturers of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin. For Costantino & SpA, the search for quality does not only mean successfully meeting market demands but also renewing and updating on a continuous basis. The experts work closely with customers from idea generation to delivering innovative products.
The Protein Bread Company The Protein Bread Company has developed products, that has evolved and expanded to four ranges, which cater to people on their low-carb journey. The company runs its own gluten-free, SQF-certified manufacturing facility in Sydney. The company has assisted a number of people in a lot of many ways, from weight loss to increased energy, and reduced medications. The Protein Bread Company has always worked with professionals in the healthcare industry who always wanted to work on low-carb approaches.

FRANK Food Products

FRANK food products have been serving the niche for more than two centuries. The company has an image of being highly innovative in its approach and deliverables. It has been creating single ingredients by processing natural raw materials, like lupin. The ingredients offered by FRANK Food Products offer a variety of gluten-free bread, bakery, and meat alternatives. The company is highly committed to sustainable food production. It is the leading lupin processing company in Europe.

Other companies profiled are Barentz International, Prolupin GmbH, and Lup ingredients.

Lupin Protein Market Segmentation

By Product Type:

  • Protein Isolates,
  • Protein Concentrates,
  • Flour,
  • Other Product Types

By Nature:

  • Organic,
  • Conventional

By End Use:

  • Food Processing (Bakery & Confectionary, Dairy Replacements, Functional Foods, Infant Foods, Meat Alternatives, Other Food Applications),
  • Animal Feed (Cattle, Poultry, Swine, Pet Food, Aquafeed),
  • Nutraceuticals,
  • Sports Nutrition,
  • Infant Nutrition

By Processing Type:

  • Dry Processing,
  • Wet Processing

By Region:

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia
  • Oceania
  • Middle East & Africa (MEA)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Lupin Protein Market size as of 2023?

The global lupin protein market holds a valuation of US$ 98.8 million as of 2023.

At what rate would Lupin Protein Market Grow?

The lupin protein market is expected to grow at 4.9% CAGR from 2023 to 2033.

What is the Demand Outlook for the Lupin Protein Market?

The global lupin protein market is forecasted to surpass US$ 159.7 million by 2033.

Which Region is the Largest Lupin Protein Market?

Europe is the largest lupin protein market.

What are the Main Drivers of the Lupin Protein Market?

The main drivers are Surging health-conscious consumers and the presence of high fiber.

Table of Content
1. Executive Summary | Lupin Protein Market

    1.1. Global Market Outlook

    1.2. Demand-side Trends

    1.3. Supply-side Trends

    1.4. Technology Roadmap Analysis

    1.5. Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

    2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy

    2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations

3. Market Background

    3.1. Market Dynamics

        3.1.1. Drivers

        3.1.2. Restraints

        3.1.3. Opportunity

        3.1.4. Trends

    3.2. Scenario Forecast

        3.2.1. Demand in Optimistic Scenario

        3.2.2. Demand in Likely Scenario

        3.2.3. Demand in Conservative Scenario

    3.3. Opportunity Map Analysis

    3.4. Product Life Cycle Analysis

    3.5. Supply Chain Analysis

        3.5.1. Supply Side Participants and their Roles


   Mid-Level Participants (Traders / Agents / Brokers)

   Wholesalers and Distributors

        3.5.2. Value Added and Value Created at Node in the Supply Chain

        3.5.3. List of Raw Material Suppliers

        3.5.4. List of Existing and Potential Buyers

    3.6. Investment Feasibility Matrix

    3.7. Value Chain Analysis

        3.7.1. Profit Margin Analysis

        3.7.2. Wholesalers and Distributors

        3.7.3. Retailers

    3.8. PESTLE and Porter’s Analysis

    3.9. Regulatory Landscape

        3.9.1. By Key Regions

        3.9.2. By Key Countries

    3.10. Regional Parent Market Outlook

    3.11. Production and Consumption Statistics

    3.12. Import and Export Statistics

4. Global Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast, 2023 to 2033

    4.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis, 2017 to 2022

    4.2. Current and Future Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Projections, 2023 to 2033

        4.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

        4.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

5. Global Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Product Type

    5.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    5.2. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis By Product Type, 2017 to 2022

    5.3. Current and Future Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis and Forecast By Product Type, 2023 to 2033

        5.3.1. Protein Isolates

        5.3.2. Protein Concentrates

        5.3.3. Flour

        5.3.4. Other Product Types

    5.4. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis By Product Type, 2017 to 2022

    5.5. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis By Product Type, 2023 to 2033

6. Global Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Nature

    6.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    6.2. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis By Nature, 2017 to 2022

    6.3. Current and Future Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis and Forecast By Nature, 2023 to 2033

        6.3.1. Organic

        6.3.2. Conventional

    6.4. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis By Nature, 2017 to 2022

    6.5. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis By Nature, 2023 to 2033

7. Global Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By End Use

    7.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    7.2. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis By End Use, 2017 to 2022

    7.3. Current and Future Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis and Forecast By End Use, 2023 to 2033

        7.3.1. Food Processing

   Bakery & Confectionery

   Dairy Replacements

   Functional Foods

   Infant Foods

   Meat Alternatives

   Other Food Applications

        7.3.2. Animal Feed




   Pet Food


        7.3.3. Nutraceuticals

        7.3.4. Sports Nutrition

        7.3.5. Infant Nutrition

    7.4. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis By End Use, 2017 to 2022

    7.5. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis By End Use, 2023 to 2033

8. Global Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Processing Type

    8.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    8.2. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis By Processing Type, 2017 to 2022

    8.3. Current and Future Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis and Forecast By Processing Type, 2023 to 2033

        8.3.1. Dry Processing

        8.3.2. Wet Processing

    8.4. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis By Processing Type, 2017 to 2022

    8.5. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis By Processing Type, 2023 to 2033

9. Global Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Region

    9.1. Introduction

    9.2. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis By Region, 2017 to 2022

    9.3. Current Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2023 to 2033

        9.3.1. North America

        9.3.2. Latin America

        9.3.3. Europe

        9.3.4. East Asia

        9.3.5. South Asia

        9.3.6. Oceania

        9.3.7. Middle East & Africa (MEA)

    9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

10. North America Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    10.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    10.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        10.2.1. By Country

   The US


        10.2.2. By Product Type

        10.2.3. By Nature

        10.2.4. By End Use

        10.2.5. By Processing Type

    10.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        10.3.1. By Country

        10.3.2. By Product Type

        10.3.3. By Nature

        10.3.4. By End Use

        10.3.5. By Processing Type

    10.4. Key Takeaways

11. Latin America Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    11.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    11.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        11.2.1. By Country






   Rest of Latin America

        11.2.2. By Product Type

        11.2.3. By Nature

        11.2.4. By End Use

        11.2.5. By Processing Type

    11.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        11.3.1. By Country

        11.3.2. By Product Type

        11.3.3. By Nature

        11.3.4. By End Use

        11.3.5. By Processing Type

    11.4. Key Takeaways

12. Europe Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    12.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    12.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        12.2.1. By Country






   The UK

   Rest of Europe

        12.2.2. By Product Type

        12.2.3. By Nature

        12.2.4. By End Use

        12.2.5. By Processing Type

    12.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        12.3.1. By Country

        12.3.2. By Product Type

        12.3.3. By Nature

        12.3.4. By End Use

        12.3.5. By Processing Type

    12.4. Key Takeaways

13. East Asia Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    13.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    13.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        13.2.1. By Country



   South Korea

        13.2.2. By Product Type

        13.2.3. By Nature

        13.2.4. By End Use

        13.2.5. By Processing Type

    13.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        13.3.1. By Country

        13.3.2. By Product Type

        13.3.3. By Nature

        13.3.4. By End Use

        13.3.5. By Processing Type

    13.4. Key Takeaways

14. South Asia Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    14.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    14.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        14.2.1. By Country






   Rest of South Asia

        14.2.2. By Product Type

        14.2.3. By Nature

        14.2.4. By End Use

        14.2.5. By Processing Type

    14.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        14.3.1. By Country

        14.3.2. By Product Type

        14.3.3. By Nature

        14.3.4. By End Use

        14.3.5. By Processing Type

    14.4. Key Takeaways

15. Oceania Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    15.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    15.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        15.2.1. By Country


   New Zealand

        15.2.2. By Product Type

        15.2.3. By Nature

        15.2.4. By End Use

        15.2.5. By Processing Type

    15.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        15.3.1. By Country

        15.3.2. By Product Type

        15.3.3. By Nature

        15.3.4. By End Use

        15.3.5. By Processing Type

    15.4. Key Takeaways

16. MEA Lupin Protein Market Analysis 2017 to 2022 and Forecast 2023 to 2033, By Country

    16.1. Historical Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2017 to 2022

    16.2. Market Size Value (US$ Million) & Volume (MT) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023 to 2033

        16.2.1. By Country

   GCC Countries

   South Africa


   Rest of MEA

        16.2.2. By Product Type

        16.2.3. By Nature

        16.2.4. By End Use

        16.2.5. By Processing Type

    16.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        16.3.1. By Country

        16.3.2. By Product Type

        16.3.3. By Nature

        16.3.4. By End Use

        16.3.5. By Processing Type

    16.4. Key Takeaways

17. Key Countries Lupin Protein Market Analysis

    17.1. The US

        17.1.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.1.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.2. Canada

        17.2.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.2.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.3. Argentina

        17.3.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.3.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.4. Brazil

        17.4.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.4.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.5. Chile

        17.5.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.5.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.6. Mexico

        17.6.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.6.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.7. Peru

        17.7.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.7.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.8. Benelux

        17.8.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.8.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.9. EU-4

        17.9.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.9.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.10. Nordics

        17.10.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.10.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.11. Poland

        17.11.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.11.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.12. Russia

        17.12.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.12.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.13. The UK

        17.13.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.13.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.14. China

        17.14.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.14.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.15. Japan

        17.15.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.15.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.16. South Korea

        17.16.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.16.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.17. India

        17.17.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.17.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.18. Indonesia

        17.18.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.18.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.19. Malaysia

        17.19.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.19.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.20. Singapore

        17.20.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.20.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.21. Thailand

        17.21.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.21.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.22. Australia

        17.22.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.22.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.23. New Zealand

        17.23.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.23.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.24. GCC Countries

        17.24.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.24.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.25. South Africa

        17.25.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.25.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

    17.26. Turkey

        17.26.1. Pricing Analysis

        17.26.2. Market Share Analysis, 2022

   By Product Type

   By Nature

   By End Use

   By Processing Type

18. Market Structure Analysis

    18.1. Competition Dashboard

    18.2. Competition Benchmarking

    18.3. Market Share Analysis of Top Players

        18.3.1. By Regional

        18.3.2. By Product Type

        18.3.3. By Nature

        18.3.4. By End Use

        18.3.5. By Processing Type

19. Competition Analysis

    19.1. Competition Deep Dive

        19.1.1. Prolupin GmbH


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.2. The Protein Bread Company


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.3. Costantino & SpA


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.4. FRANK Food Products


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.5. Lup Ingredients


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.6. Barentz International


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.7. Lupin Protein Market


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.8. Eagle Foods Australia


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.9. Just Organik


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

        19.1.10. Coorow Seeds


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

       Marketing Strategy

       Product Strategy

       Channel Strategy

20. Assumptions & Acronyms Used

21. Research Methodology

Food and Beverage

Lupine Peptides Market

September 2024



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