Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Outlook from 2024 to 2034

The global phosphorus enriched organic manure market size reached US$ 3,175.3 million in 2023. Over the forecast period, global phosphorus enriched organic manure demand is anticipated to rise at 6.5% CAGR. The market is predicted to increase from US$ 3,382.9 million in 2024 to US$ 6,347.6 million by 2034.

Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Overview

  • Growing awareness about sustainable agriculture practices and environmental concerns drives demand for phosphorus-enriched organic manure.
  • Consumers and farmers increasingly opt for organic fertilizers to promote soil health and reduce chemical inputs.
  • Government initiatives promoting organic farming methods and providing subsidies for organic fertilizer production foster market growth. These incentives encourage farmers to adopt organic practices, boosting market demand.
  • The expanding agriculture sector, especially in emerging economies, presents significant opportunities for the phosphorus-enriched organic manure market.
  • As farmers seek to improve crop productivity sustainably, the demand for organic fertilizers enriched with phosphorus is rising.
  • The phosphorus-enriched organic manure market serves several end-use industries, including agriculture, horticulture, and landscaping.
  • In agriculture, organic manure improves soil health, enhances crop yield, and promotes sustainable farming practices.
  • In horticulture and landscaping, organic fertilizers are preferred for nurturing ornamental plants and maintaining green spaces, reflecting the market's diverse applications across different sectors.
Attributes Key Insights
Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Size in 2023 US$ 3,175.3 million
Estimated Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Value (2024) US$ 3,382.9 million
Projected Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Revenue (2034) US$ 6,347.6 million
Value-based Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market CAGR (2024 to 2034) 6.5%

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Key Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Highlights

Market to Expand Over 1.9x through 2034

The global phosphorus-enriched organic manure market is predicted to expand over 1.9x through 2034, amid a 0.9% increase in expected CAGR compared to the historical one.

East Asia is Poised to Continue as a Key Hub for Manufacturers

During the forecast period, East Asia is expected to dominate the global phosphorus-enriched organic manure market. It is set to hold around 29.7% of the worldwide market share in 2034. This is attributed to the following factors:

  • Government Support and Policies: China's government is actively promoting sustainable agriculture and organic farming methods. The government is encouraging farmers to adopt phosphorus-enriched organic manure through various policies and incentives, such as subsidies for organic fertilizer production and usage. This support creates a favorable market environment by making organic fertilizers more accessible and affordable.
  • Increasing Environmental Concerns: There is a rising demand for eco-friendly alternatives such as phosphorus-enriched organic manure with growing awareness about the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers on soil health and the environment. Consumers and farmers are increasingly opting for organic solutions to mitigate soil degradation and pollution, further driving the market's expansion.
  • Rising Agriculture Sector and Crop Production: China boasts a significant agricultural output, with vast production of cereals, grains, oilseeds, and other crops. As one of the world's leading producers, the country's agricultural sector presents a substantial market for phosphorus-enriched organic manure.

2019 to 2023 Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Growth Vs. 2024 to 2034

Historical CAGR (2019 to 2023) 5.6%
Forecast CAGR (2024 to 2034) 6.5%

Global sales of phosphorus enriched organic manure grew at a CAGR of 5.6% between 2019 and 2023.

  • Concerns about food safety, environmental sustainability, and health advantages have led to a notable growth in consumer demand for organic products during 2019 to 2023.
  • The adoption of organic farming methods, such as the usage of organic fertilizers like phosphorus-enriched organic manure, has been fueled by this need.
  • Organic farming has gained popularity as a more sustainable alternative to conventional agricultural practices as it emphasizes using natural inputs and environmental management.
  • To promote sustainable farming and guarantee the integrity of organic goods, governments worldwide have implemented certification and regulatory programs.
  • By offering incentives and subsidies to organic farmers, new policies frequently encourage using organic fertilizers and soil amendments.
  • The efficacy and quality of organic fertilizers, such as phosphorus-enriched organic manure, have increased due to developments in microbial technology, nutrient analysis, and production methods.
  • Governments, non-profits, and industry stakeholders have all launched educational campaigns and outreach initiatives to increase public knowledge of the advantages of organic farming and the significance of soil health.

Over the forecast period, the global phosphorus-enriched organic manure market is poised to exhibit healthy growth, reaching a valuation of US$ 6,347.6 million by 2034.

  • As consumers become more conscious of the impact of conventional farming methods on soil health and ecosystem balance, there is a shift towards organic fertilizers. This trend presents a significant opportunity for the market to expand, particularly in regions where organic farming is gaining traction.
  • Continued advancements in technology and research is set to lead to the development of more efficient and effective organic fertilizers.
  • Innovations such as controlled-release formulations and bio-based additives is projected to enhance the performance of phosphorus-enriched organic manure, making it more appealing to farmers.
Nikhil Kaitwade
Nikhil Kaitwade

Principal Consultant

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 Key Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Dynamics

  • Regulatory Support and Incentives

Regulatory support and incentives are significant drivers propelling the growth of the phosphorus-enriched organic manure market. Governments worldwide are increasingly implementing policies and regulations to promote sustainable agriculture and reduce the reliance on chemical fertilizers. These regulations often include bans or restrictions on harmful synthetic fertilizers and subsidies & tax incentives for adopting organic alternatives.

  • Consumer Preference for Organic and Sustainable Products

A significant driver fueling the growth of the phosphorus-enriched organic manure market is the increasing consumer preference for organic and sustainable products. As consumers become more conscious of their environmental footprint and health impacts, there is a growing demand for food produced using sustainable farming practices, including organic fertilizers.

  • Rooftop Gardens Boosting Demand

As the popularity of rooftop gardening continues to expand, driven by urban sustainability initiatives and a desire for locally grown produce, the demand for phosphorus-enriched organic manure is expected to rise correspondingly. This trend promotes urban food security & green spaces and contributes to the overall expansion of the phosphorus-enriched organic manure market.

Key Factors Restraining Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Growth

  • Limits imposed by regulatory frameworks controlling the production, sale, and use of products derived from organic manure are set to raise operating costs or restrict market access.
  • Compared to conventional fertilizers or non-phosphorus-enriched organic alternatives, producing phosphorus-enriched organic manure products is more costly.
  • Supply chain fluctuations are expected to impact the dependability of phosphorus-enriched organic manure products, which is set to affect market penetration and customer trust.
  • Despite the environmental and soil health benefits offered by organic fertilizers, competition from synthetic alternatives remains a significant restraint hindering the broad adoption of phosphorus-enriched organic manure in the agricultural sector.

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Comparative View of Adjacent Markets

The global phosphorus-enriched organic manure market is likely to be impacted by the peer or tangential markets in the chemical and material division. These include other markets, such as the organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer markets.

Analysis of these related industries can provide deeper insights that help develop unique differentiating strategies to pursue growth and opportunity in the phosphorus-enriched organic manure market.

Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market:

Attributes Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market
CAGR (2024 to 2034) 6.5%
Growth Factor Phosphorus-enriched organic manure is gaining popularity as an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers, reducing water pollution and soil degradation in organic farming practices.
Key Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Trend Governments are putting laws and certification schemes into place to encourage organic cultivation and guarantee the authenticity of organic goods.

Organic Fertilizer Market:

Attributes Organic Fertilizer Market
CAGR (2024 to 2034) 6.3%
Growth Factor The efficacy and quality of organic fertilizers are increasing due to developments in microbial technology, nutritional analysis, and production techniques. Product performance and sustainability are being improved by innovations including microbial inoculants, controlled-release formulations, and organic waste recycling systems.
Key Trend Growing desire to boost agricultural output and awareness of the harmful consequences of chemical inputs & favorable effects of organic fertilizers are driving demand for organic fertilizers.

Phosphate Fertilizer Market:

Attributes Phosphate Fertilizer Market
CAGR (2024 to 2034) 5.1%
Growth Factor Globally, governments are enacting policies to encourage the use of sustainable fertilizers. These policies include limits on the amount of fertilizer that can be applied, nutrient management techniques, and incentives for switching to environmentally friendly fertilizers.
Key Trend Technological developments in the phosphate fertilizer industry are helping producers maximize environmental effect, cut costs, and increase efficiency. Enhancing product quality and competitiveness in the market include innovations including granulation processes, phosphate rock beneficiation, and improved phosphoric acid manufacturing.

Country-wise Insights

The table below shows the estimated growth rates of the top key countries. India, China, and the United States are set to record high CAGRs of 7.0%, 6.5%, and 5.8%, respectively, through 2034.

Countries Projected CAGR (2024 to 2034)
India 7.0%
China 6.5%
United States 5.8%
Russia 5.6%
Brazil 5.4%

Growing Government Initiatives in India Giving New Dimension to the Market

India is set to increase at a robust CAGR of 7.0% by 2034. Key factors supporting the market growth are:

  • India has a rich supply of organic waste materials such as crop residues, animal manure, and bio waste, which are utilized in the manufacturing of phosphorus-enriched organic manure with a large agricultural sector and diverse ecosystems.
  • Government initiatives promoting organic farming and sustainable agriculture contribute to the growth of the phosphorus-enriched organic manure market in India.
  • Initiatives such as the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) incentivize farmers to adopt organic farming practices and reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers.
  • Population growth, urbanization, and changing dietary patterns drive the demand for food production, further fueling the need for organic fertilizers in India's agricultural sector.

Emerging Opportunities in China Attracting Market Players

During the forecast period, sales of phosphorus-enriched organic manure in China are projected to soar at a CAGR of 6.5%. This is attributable to a combination of factors, including:

  • China produces ample animal manure, a valuable resource for manufacturing organic fertilizers with a large population and extensive livestock farming. This abundance of animal-based sources positions China as a key player in the organic fertilizer market, driving demand for phosphorus-enriched organic manure.
  • China is experiencing a surge in consumer interest in organic goods due to health, environmental sustainability, and food safety concerns, leading to increased usage of organic fertilizers.
  • In China, government agencies, academic institutions, non-profits, and trade associations are actively teaching farmers about the advantages of using organic fertilizers and offering technical support on applying organic farming practices. These initiatives aid in raising farmers' understanding of and acceptance of phosphorus-enriched organic manure.

Expansion of Manufacturing Hubs to Accelerate Growth in the United States

The United States is expected to rise at 5.8% CAGR by 2034. Top factors supporting the market expansion in the country include:

  • The demand for phosphorus-enriched organic manure is driven by the need to support the growth of oilseed crops, such as soybeans and sunflowers, which are vital components of the United States agricultural economy.
  • The United States has a diverse range of end-use industries, including large-scale commercial farming operations, organic farming enterprises, and home gardening enthusiasts, all of which rely on fertilizers to maintain soil health and support crop production. This diverse demand from several sectors further boosts the utilization of phosphorus-enriched organic manure in the United States.

Ongoing Innovation in Microbial Technology in Russia Upscaling the Market

Over the forecast period, phosphorus-enriched organic manure demand in Russia is projected to rise at 5.6% CAGR. The factors driving the market growth are as follows:

  • Rising environmental awareness and the growing preference for organic farming practices among consumers contribute to the increasing consumption of phosphorus-enriched organic manure.
  • Improvements in microbial technology, nutritional analysis, and production procedures are raising the caliber and effectiveness of organic fertilizers, such as phosphorus-enriched organic manure.

Expansion of Agricultural Infrastructure Fueling Demand in Brazil

Brazil's phosphorus-enriched organic manure market is poised to exhibit a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period. Key factors supporting the market growth are:

  • Brazil emerges as a key market for phosphorus-enriched organic manure, with increasing consumption driven by agricultural expansion, government support, and diversified crop production.
  • Brazil’s sophisticated agricultural infrastructure, which includes retail outlets, distribution networks, and certifying bodies, helps to sustain the expansion of the market for organic fertilizers. This infrastructure makes it easier for farmers all around the nation to produce, market, and distribute organic manure that has been enhanced with phosphorus.

Category-wise Insights

The section below shows the animal-based segment as a dominating source. It is forecast to thrive at 5.7% CAGR between 2024 and 2034. Based on crop type, the cereals & grains segment is anticipated to hold a dominant share through 2034. It is set to exhibit a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period.

Animal-based Manure is the Foremost Source Desired by Consumers

Top Segment (Source) Animal-based
Predicted CAGR (2024 to 2034) 5.7%
  • Animal-based organic manure contains more essential nutrients, including phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. These nutrients promote healthy plant growth and soil fertility, making animal-based sources highly desirable for agricultural applications.
  • Livestock farming is prevalent worldwide, ensuring an abundant supply of animal-based organic manure. This widespread availability makes it easier for farmers to access and incorporate these organic fertilizers into their farming practices, contributing to the segment's dominance in the market.
  • Animal-based organic manure is utilized across several crop types, including cereals, grains, oilseeds, pulses, fruits, vegetables, and other crops. Its versatility in application makes it an attractive choice for farmers looking to enhance soil health and crop yield across different agricultural sectors.

Cereals and Grains Crop Type Continue to Dominate the Industry

Top Segment (Crop Type) Cereals & Grains
Projected CAGR (2024 to 2034) 5.2%
  • Cereals and grains are the staple diet for the global population, resulting in a high demand for fertilizers to support their cultivation.
  • Cereals and grains are often grown in large-scale agricultural operations, requiring substantial fertilizers.
  • Phosphorus-enriched organic manure enhances soil fertility and crop yields, making it indispensable for maximizing production in cereal and grain farming.

Competitive Landscape

The global phosphorus-enriched organic manure market is fragmented, with leading players accounting for around 40% to 45% of the share. Sustane Natural Fertilizer Inc., Biogen Fertilizers India Private Ltd., Hindustan Bec Tech India Pvt. Ltd., and Jaipur Bio Fertilizers are the leading phosphorus-enriched organic manure manufacturers and suppliers listed in the report.

Key phosphorus-enriched organic manure companies are investing in continuous research to produce new products and increase their capacity to meet end-user demand. They are also inclined toward adopting strategies to strengthen their footprint, including acquisitions, partnerships, mergers, and facility expansions.

Recent Developments

  • In 2022, Tessenderlo Group built a new organic fertilizer production line in Vénérolles, France.
  • In 2023, the Government of India sanctioned Market Development Assistance to bolster organic fertilizer promotion, emphasizing balanced fertilizer use based on soil tests.
  • In 2023, OCP, a Moroccan manufacturer of fertilizers and phosphates, sent 1.7 million tons of phosphate-based fertilizers to India.
  • In February 2022, PhosAgro announced the launch of PhosAgro-Sibir. PhosAgro affiliate directly supplies mineral fertilizers to farmers in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts.

Key Companies Profiled

  • Sustane Natural Fertilizer Inc.
  • Biogen Fertilizers India Private Ltd.
  • Hindustan Bec Tech India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Jaipur Bio Fertilizers
  • Komeco B.V.
  • Midwestern BioAg
  • Narmada Bio-Chem Ltd. (NBCL)
  • Naturesafe
  • Nextnode Bioscience Pvt. Ltd.
  • Ujjawal Biotech & Organics Pvt. Ltd.
  • Biogen Fertilizers India Private Limited
  • Narmada Bio-chem Limited
  • Darling Ingredients Inc.
  • Arvee Biotech
  • Coromandel International Limited

Key Coverage of Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Industry Report

  • Adjacent Study on Water Soluble Fertilizer Market, Cosmetic Chemical Market, and Organic Fertilizer Market
  • Opportunity Analysis of Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Wholesale Market
  • Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Price Fluctuations
  • Demand for Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure in the United States
  • Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Detailed Analysis of Current Scenario with Growth Forecasts
  • Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Specifications
  • Phosphorus Enriched Organic Fertilizer

Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure Market Segmentation by Category

By Source:

  • Plant-based
  • Animal-based

By Crop Type:

  • Cereals & Grains
  • Oilseed & Pulses
  • Fruits & Vegetables
  • Others

By Form:

  • Solid
  • Liquid

By Application:

  • Farming
  • Gardening

By Region:

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Western Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia Pacific
  • Middle East and Africa

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the value of the global market in 2023?

The global market was valued at US$ 3,175.3 million in 2023.

How big is the phosphorus enriched organic manure market?

The market is set to reach US$ 3,382.9 million in 2024.

What is the forecast for the phosphorus enriched organic manure market?

The market is slated to expand at a 6.5% CAGR through 2034.

What is the outlook for the phosphorus enriched organic manure market?

The market is set to reach US$ 6,347.6 million in 2034.

Who are the key players in the market?

Sustane Natural Fertilizer Inc., Komeco B.V., and Midwestren BioAg are the key players.

Which crop type would lead the market?

Cereals & grains segment is estimated to hold a significant market share in 2024.

Table of Content
1. Executive Summary

    1.1. Global Market Outlook

    1.2. Demand Side Trends

    1.3. Supply Side Trends

    1.4. Technology Roadmap

    1.5. Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

    2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy

    2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations

3. Key Market Trends

    3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market

    3.2. Product Innovation / Development Trends

4. Key Success Factors

    4.1. Product Adoption / Usage Analysis

    4.2. Product USPs / Features

    4.3. Strategic Promotional Strategies

5. Global Market Demand Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast, 2024 to 2034

    5.1. Historical Market Volume (tons) Analysis, 2019 to 2023

    5.2. Current and Future Market Volume (tons) Projections, 2024 to 2034

    5.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

6. Global Market - Pricing Analysis

    6.1. Regional Pricing Analysis By Source

    6.2. Global Average Pricing Analysis Benchmark

7. Global Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ million) Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast, 2024 to 2034

    7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ million) Analysis, 2019 to 2023

    7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ million) Projections, 2024 to 2034

        7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

        7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

8. Market Background

    8.1. Macro-Economic Factors

        8.1.1. Global GDP Growth Outlook

        8.1.2. Global Chemical Industry Overview

        8.1.3. Manufacturing Value-Added

        8.1.4. Industry Value Added

        8.1.5. Parent Market Outlook

        8.1.6. Other Macro-Economic Factors

    8.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact

        8.2.1. Top Companies Historical Growth

        8.2.2. GDP Growth Forecast

        8.2.3. Global Chemical Sales Overview

        8.2.4. Manufacturing Industry Forecast

        8.2.5. Global Urbanization Growth Outlook

        8.2.6. End-use Industry Growth Outlook

        8.2.7. Other Forecast Factors

    8.3. Value Chain

        8.3.1. Product Manufacturers

        8.3.2. End Users

        8.3.3. Avg. Profitability Margins

    8.4. COVID-19 Crisis - Impact Assessment

        8.4.1. Current Statistics

        8.4.2. Short-Mid-Long Term Outlook

        8.4.3. Likely Rebound

    8.5. Market Dynamics

        8.5.1. Drivers

        8.5.2. Restraints

        8.5.3. Opportunity Analysis

    8.6. Global Supply Demand Analysis

    8.7. Key Developments

    8.8. Patent Analysis

    8.9. Parent Market Overview

    8.10. Key Regulations & Certifications

    8.11. Production Process Overview

9. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Source

    9.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Source, 2019 to 2023

    9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Source, 2024 to 2034

        9.3.1. Plant-based

        9.3.2. Animal-based

    9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Source

10. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Crop Type

    10.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Crop Type, 2019 to 2023

    10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Crop Type, 2024 to 2034

        10.3.1. Cereals & Grains

        10.3.2. Oilseed & Pulses

        10.3.3. Fruits & Vegetables

        10.3.4. Others

    10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Crop Type

11. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Form

    11.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Form, 2019 to 2023

    11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Form, 2024 to 2034

        11.3.1. Solid

        11.3.2. Liquid

    11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Form

12. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, By Application

    12.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Application, 2019 to 2023

    12.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Application, 2024 to 2034

        12.3.1. Farming

        12.3.2. Gardening

    12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Application

13. Global Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034, by Region

    13.1. Introduction

    13.2. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis By Region, 2019 to 2023

    13.3. Current Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2024 to 2034

        13.3.1. North America

        13.3.2. Latin America

        13.3.3. East Asia

        13.3.4. South Asia Pacific

        13.3.5. Western Europe

        13.3.6. Eastern Europe

        13.3.7. Middle East and Africa (Middle East and Africa)

    13.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

14. North America Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    14.1. Introduction

    14.2. Pricing Analysis

    14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    14.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        14.4.1. By Country

   United States



        14.4.2. By Source

        14.4.3. By Crop Type

        14.4.4. By Form

        14.4.5. By Application

    14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        14.5.1. By Country

        14.5.2. By Source

        14.5.3. By Crop Type

        14.5.4. By Form

        14.5.5. By Application

15. Latin America Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    15.1. Introduction

    15.2. Pricing Analysis

    15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    15.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        15.4.1. By Country



   Rest of Latin America

        15.4.2. By Source

        15.4.3. By Crop Type

        15.4.4. By Form

        15.4.5. By Application

    15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        15.5.1. By Country

        15.5.2. By Source

        15.5.3. By Crop Type

        15.5.4. By Form

        15.5.5. By Application

16. East Asia Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    16.1. Introduction

    16.2. Pricing Analysis

    16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    16.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        16.4.1. By Country



   South Korea

        16.4.2. By Source

        16.4.3. By Crop Type

        16.4.4. By Form

        16.4.5. By Application

    16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        16.5.1. By Country

        16.5.2. By Source

        16.5.3. By Crop Type

        16.5.4. By Form

        16.5.5. By Application

17. South Asia Pacific Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    17.1. Introduction

    17.2. Pricing Analysis

    17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    17.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        17.4.1. By Country



   Australia and New Zealand

   Rest of South Asia Pacific

        17.4.2. By Source

        17.4.3. By Crop Type

        17.4.4. By Form

        17.4.5. By Application

    17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        17.5.1. By Country

        17.5.2. By Source

        17.5.3. By Crop Type

        17.5.4. By Form

        17.5.5. By Application

18. Western Europe Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    18.1. Introduction

    18.2. Pricing Analysis

    18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    18.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        18.4.1. By Country




   United Kingdom




   Rest of W. Europe

        18.4.2. By Source

        18.4.3. By Crop Type

        18.4.4. By Form

        18.4.5. By Application

    18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        18.5.1. By Country

        18.5.2. By Source

        18.5.3. By Crop Type

        18.5.4. By Form

        18.5.5. By Application

19. Eastern Europe Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    19.1. Introduction

    19.2. Pricing Analysis

    19.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    19.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        19.4.1. By Country




   Balkan & Baltics

   Rest of Eastern Europe

        19.4.2. By Source

        19.4.3. By Crop Type

        19.4.4. By Form

        19.4.5. By Application

    19.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        19.5.1. By Country

        19.5.2. By Source

        19.5.3. By Crop Type

        19.5.4. By Form

        19.5.5. By Application

20. Middle East and Africa Market Analysis 2019 to 2023 and Forecast 2024 to 2034

    20.1. Introduction

    20.2. Pricing Analysis

    20.3. Historical Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019 to 2023

    20.4. Market Size (US$ million) and Volume Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024 to 2034

        20.4.1. By Country


   Other GCC Countries


   South Africa

   Other African Union

   Rest of Middle East and Africa

        20.4.2. By Source

        20.4.3. By Crop Type

        20.4.4. By Form

        20.4.5. By Application

    20.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        20.5.1. By Country

        20.5.2. By Source

        20.5.3. By Crop Type

        20.5.4. By Form

        20.5.5. By Application

21. Country-wise Market Analysis

    21.1. Introduction

        21.1.1. Market Value Proportion Analysis, By Key Countries

        21.1.2. Global Vs. Country Growth Comparison

    21.2. United States Market Analysis

        21.2.1. By Source

        21.2.2. By Crop Type

        21.2.3. By Form

        21.2.4. By Application

    21.3. Canada Market Analysis

        21.3.1. By Source

        21.3.2. By Crop Type

        21.3.3. By Form

        21.3.4. By Application

    21.4. Mexico Market Analysis

        21.4.1. By Source

        21.4.2. By Crop Type

        21.4.3. By Form

        21.4.4. By Application

    21.5. Brazil Market Analysis

        21.5.1. By Source

        21.5.2. By Crop Type

        21.5.3. By Form

        21.5.4. By Application

    21.6. Chile Market Analysis

        21.6.1. By Source

        21.6.2. By Crop Type

        21.6.3. By Form

        21.6.4. By Application

    21.7. China Market Analysis

        21.7.1. By Source

        21.7.2. By Crop Type

        21.7.3. By Form

        21.7.4. By Application

    21.8. Japan Market Analysis

        21.8.1. By Source

        21.8.2. By Crop Type

        21.8.3. By Form

        21.8.4. By Application

    21.9. South Korea Market Analysis

        21.9.1. By Source

        21.9.2. By Crop Type

        21.9.3. By Form

        21.9.4. By Application

    21.10. India Market Analysis

        21.10.1. By Source

        21.10.2. By Crop Type

        21.10.3. By Form

        21.10.4. By Application

    21.11. ASEAN Market Analysis

        21.11.1. By Source

        21.11.2. By Crop Type

        21.11.3. By Form

        21.11.4. By Application

    21.12. Australia and New Zealand Market Analysis

        21.12.1. By Source

        21.12.2. By Crop Type

        21.12.3. By Form

        21.12.4. By Application

    21.13. Germany Market Analysis

        21.13.1. By Source

        21.13.2. By Crop Type

        21.13.3. By Form

        21.13.4. By Application

    21.14. Italy Market Analysis

        21.14.1. By Source

        21.14.2. By Crop Type

        21.14.3. By Form

        21.14.4. By Application

    21.15. France Market Analysis

        21.15.1. By Source

        21.15.2. By Crop Type

        21.15.3. By Form

        21.15.4. By Application

    21.16. United Kingdom Market Analysis

        21.16.1. By Source

        21.16.2. By Crop Type

        21.16.3. By Form

        21.16.4. By Application

    21.17. Spain Market Analysis

        21.17.1. By Source

        21.17.2. By Crop Type

        21.17.3. By Form

        21.17.4. By Application

    21.18. BENELUX Market Analysis

        21.18.1. By Source

        21.18.2. By Crop Type

        21.18.3. By Form

        21.18.4. By Application

    21.19. NORDICS Market Analysis

        21.19.1. By Source

        21.19.2. By Crop Type

        21.19.3. By Form

        21.19.4. By Application

    21.20. Russia Market Analysis

        21.20.1. By Source

        21.20.2. By Crop Type

        21.20.3. By Form

        21.20.4. By Application

    21.21. Poland Market Analysis

        21.21.1. By Source

        21.21.2. By Crop Type

        21.21.3. By Form

        21.21.4. By Application

    21.22. Hungary Market Analysis

        21.22.1. By Source

        21.22.2. By Crop Type

        21.22.3. By Form

        21.22.4. By Application

    21.23. Balkan & Baltics Market Analysis

        21.23.1. By Source

        21.23.2. By Crop Type

        21.23.3. By Form

        21.23.4. By Application

    21.24. KSA Market Analysis

        21.24.1. By Source

        21.24.2. By Crop Type

        21.24.3. By Form

        21.24.4. By Application

    21.25. Other GCC Countries Market Analysis

        21.25.1. By Source

        21.25.2. By Crop Type

        21.25.3. By Form

        21.25.4. By Application

    21.26. Turkiye Market Analysis

        21.26.1. By Source

        21.26.2. By Crop Type

        21.26.3. By Form

        21.26.4. By Application

    21.27. South Africa Market Analysis

        21.27.1. By Source

        21.27.2. By Crop Type

        21.27.3. By Form

        21.27.4. By Application

    21.28. Other African Union Market Analysis

        21.28.1. By Source

        21.28.2. By Crop Type

        21.28.3. By Form

        21.28.4. By Application

22. Market Structure Analysis

    22.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies

    22.2. Market Concentration

    22.3. Market Share Analysis of Top Players

    22.4. Market Presence Analysis

        22.4.1. By Product Footprint of Players

        22.4.2. By Regional Footprint of Players

        22.4.3. By Application Footprint of Players

23. Competition Analysis

    23.1. Competition Dashboard

    23.2. Competition Benchmarking

    23.3. Competition Deep Dive

        23.3.1. Sustane Natural Fertilizer Inc.


   Product Portfolio

   Profitability by Market Segments (Product/Channel/Region)

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

        23.3.2. Biogen Fertilizers India Private Ltd.

        23.3.3. Hindustan Bec Tech India Pvt. Ltd.

        23.3.4. Jaipur Bio Fertilizers

        23.3.5. Komeco B.V.

        23.3.6. Midwestren BioAg

        23.3.7. Narmada Bio-Chem Ltd. (NBCL)

        23.3.8. Naturesafe

        23.3.9. Nextnode Bioscience Pvt. Ltd.

        23.3.10. Ujjawal Biotech & Organics Pvt. Ltd.

        23.3.11. Biogen Fertilizers India Private Limited

        23.3.12. Narmada Bio-chem Limited

        23.3.13. Darling Ingredients Inc.

        23.3.14. Arvee Biotech

        23.3.15. Coromandel International Limited

24. Primary Insights

25. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

26. Research Methodology

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